End Users (Customers)

End Users are also referred to as customers. They are the people who generate the support tickets from any of the support channels available in the NSP. End Users don't have access to any of the administrator and agent features of NSP. They can only submit and track tickets and communicate with agents publicly, which means that their ticket comments are always public. Below figure shows the End User list.

Manage People

When you select People form, the list of End Users will be shown as default. Each user item in this list (1) contains the profile picture, name and email address, the organization name and Action buttons (10). The list is divided in two tabs, Active (11) and Inactive (12) users.

Action (10) includes:

PasswordResetButton Send password reset email. Used to send password reset email to the End User.

ActivateButton Activate/Deactivate: Activate or deactivate the End User. This action will move user to other list Active (11) and Inactive (12).

EditButton Edit: Edit information about End User.

DeleteButton Delete: Delete End User from the system.

When you delete a user from the list that user is not deleted from the NSP database. There is a provision to add the deleted user back to the system. Select Show Deleted button (7) to get a list of deleted. An Undelete button is related to each item. Note that the undeleted user is set Inactive. The user needs to be activated before being able to log in to the system.

The User List provides refresh (5), searching (6), sorting, filtering and paging (15) functionality, export buttons for Print, PDF and Excel (9) similar to other lists in the NSP system, see General User Interface.

The Import CSV File button (3) import users in NSP. Import functionality is explained in following section, see Import Users and Import Entities.

To add new End User click Add new record button (4). Person form is displayed where you can enter information about the End User. See section Add User.

To change the role for a user you use Change Role button (8) available in End User or Agent tab.  The User Role form contains two fields: User and Role. The User field is a dropdown box, select name of the user. This list contains End Users or Agents based on the tab (2) from which this form was accessed. In the second field, select new Role for the User.

Info button (13) shows general user manual information for People function.

Info button (14) shows specific user manual information for current selected tab in form (End Users, Agents, Groups, Organizations, Roles or User Types).