
Configurations > CMDB Management > Products

Product Catalog is a library of all the products available to an organization, defining each product and its attributes, such as name, type, manufacturer, etc. The same Product could be used by several CIs.

The following table shows all Products existing in database.

Just above the table is button Add Product and by clicking that you can create new product. The opened form offers possibility of defining all product details, so you have to input Name (required field), Type from dropdown list, Manufacturer, Depreciation Type from dropdown lists, Code Type from dropdown list (There are 3 data types which have their own terms for validation), Code Value (this field is visible only if Code Type is selected) and Description.

This table will also be used for editing or deleting existing Products.

For ease of reference this list contains two filters All Manufacturer and All Product type.

Searching, sorting, filtering and paging functions are similar to other lists in CMDB, see section General User Interface.