Depreciation Types

Configurations > CMDB Management > Depreciation Types.

Depreciation is the reduction in value of a tangible fixed asset due to normal usage, wear and tear, new technology or unfavorable market conditions. It is allocation of the cost of a fixed asset in each accounting period during its expected time of use.

Depreciation Type is not selected directly for a CI, it is used when you define a Product. Depreciation for CI is indirectly defined via the Product it is belonging.

The table shows all Depreciation Types default and custom existing in database.

Just above the table is button Add Depreciation and by clicking that you can create new Depreciation Type. The opened form offers possibility of defining all product details, so you have to input Name (required field), on field Type (required field),  select depreciation method that is to be used from the drop down, Period in years (required field) and Description.

This table will also be used for editing or deleting existing Depreciation Types.

It is important to mention that Depreciation name is unique, so you cannot add more depreciation types with the same name.

Note: Default Depreciation Types cannot be edited or deleted.

Searching, sorting, filtering and paging functions are similar to other lists in CMDB, see section General User Interface.



The list of defaults Depreciation Types is as following:

Depreciation name



Double Declining Balance - 5 years


Straight Line - 5 years


Sum Of Years Digit - 5 years


Straight Line 10