Ticket - CI List

If the Ticket tab is selected in the left panel this tab displays CIs attached to the ticket.

In the list you can view details and edit a CI by click the CI row. The CI detailed view will then be opened in a new tab.

Rightmost on row there is an action button, , to remove the link.

Note: To a ticket of type Request or Incident only one CI could be attached at the same time. To Problem and Change tickets several CIs could be attached.

To attach a CI to the ticket click Link CI button. The popup form opened containing function to filter CIs by selecting CI Type in a dropdown and a feature to search for a CI. Select first CI Type to get a filtered list containing CIs of the selected type and its subtypes. Then if necessary perform a search to find a specific CI.

After filtering and/or searching the resulting CIs are listed. Check CI to be attached in the checkbox to the left in the list and click Save. If it is not possible to mark the checkbox, the reason probably is that there is already another CI attached to the ticket.

If you select User or Organization tab in left panel the CI List will list CIs connected to the User or Organization respective. CI is included in the list if the User or a member of the Organization is registered as Used by or Managed by for the CI.