CI Tickets tab

This form shows tickets attached to this CI, and offers the possibility to attach ticket or remove the links. You can attach ticket by clicking the Attach Ticket button. In opened form tickets can be searched by name. Selecting checkboxes choose all tickets you want to attach. After that click Save button, and preferred Tickets will appear in list.

To attach a CI to the ticket, go to the preferred ticketĀ“s detail page, in tab CI List click button Attach CI, and in opened form search and choose CI you want to attach to ticket.

To remove preferred ticket from list, choose Remove button in table cell, or if you want to remove more tickets at once, tab offers that possibility. Selecting checkboxes choose tickets you want to remove and click the button Remove, just above the table, to remove associated tickets.

Search, sort, filter, paging and export features are available similar to other lists in NSP, see General User Interface.