New/Edit Facebook channel

To add new channel and connect it to Facebook page, click the Add page button(3). If the logged in NSP user is owner to any FB-pages not yet linked to a NSP channel, a dialog with Facebook Login button will be displayed. If no “unconnected” pages are available, a list of the already couple will show instead. Click the Facebook Login button and you will be redirected to FB login page. After login with your FB credential available FB pages will appear in list. Click on the FB page you want to integrate with NSP and a form with the following fields will show:

    Default requester: Mandatory value. When a Ticket is created that has its origin from Facebook, the system does not know from the whom it originates. Therefore a  default requester must be set.

We recommend that  you create a special Facebook requester dedicated for this purpose. You can also browse  for desired agent.

    Default assignee: Enter name of default assignee or browse  for desired agent.

    Wall post: Select checkboxes to enable the conversion of wall posts to tickets. If this is not enabled then wall posts of the page will not be converted to tickets. The available options are:

o Convert visitor posts as ticket

o Convert company posts as ticket – posts made by the owner of the FB account and the administrators or the FB pages

    Private messages:  If you select checkbox Convert private message a Ticket is created when a conversation is started in Messenger. New Messenger posts will be converted to NSP Ticket comments until the Ticket is closed. After this any new posts in Messanger from the same FB user will result in a new Ticket.

    Sync interval: Enter time interval how often the system is going to look for new posts and create tickets. You select if you want to synchronize by the minute or by the hour.

    Sync start: Select date and time of which will be start sync.

After every setting is defined, click Save button to save the setting.