NSP Database Global Settings

In NSP SQL Server database there is a table containing global settings for the NSP installation: app.GlobalSettings.

Some of those settings you can change and then affect the behavior in your NSP system.

Note: Those settings control basic functions in NSP. Changes of the values affect system behavior. Do not insert changes if you are not sure of the consequences. Please contact Nilex NSP Support if you need more information regarding those settings.


Following is a list of keys in table app.GlobalSettings:


This setting controls if anonymous, not logged in users shall be able to register, create a user in NSP on Self Service Portal. If it is set to False Register link on SSP start page and Register button in NSP login form are not available. Run this script to update the value:

update app.GlobalSettings

set Value = '' --- 'True' or 'False'

where [Key] = 'AllowRegisterForAnonymous'



On NSP Self Service Portal start page there is a button for anonymous, not logged in users to submit a ticket. This setting decides if the button shall be visible or not.

update app.GlobalSettings

set Value = '' --- 'True' or 'False'

where [Key] = 'AllowSubmitTicketForAnnonymous'

Note: Anonymous user submitting a ticket must enter an email address in the submit form. NSP creates an End User with the email address as User Name when ticket is created in system.



When user submit a ticket there could be a search performed in Knowledge base. The search is normally automatically started when user enters a ticket Subject. This setting controls if search shall be done or not when an anonymous user submits a ticket. This setting is valid only if AllowSubmitTicketForAnnonymous is True, se above.

update app.GlobalSettings

set Value = '' --- 'True' or 'False'

where [Key] = ' AllowKBSearchWidgetOnSubmitFormForAnnonymous'



On NSP Self Service Portal start page there is a button for anonymous, not logged in users to open the Knowledge base. This setting decides if the button shall be visible or not.

update app.GlobalSettings

set Value = '' --- 'True' or 'False'

where [Key] = 'AllowKBListForAnnonymous'



On NSP Self Service Portal start page there is a button for anonymous, not logged in users to open NSP Billboard and read announcements. This setting decides if the button shall be visible or not.

update app.GlobalSettings

set Value = '' --- 'True' or 'False'

where [Key] = 'AllowAnnouncementsListForAnnonymous'



This setting defines which types of files you can attach to e g tickets, comments, articles, CIs and contracts. The allowed file extensions shall be listed in a comma separated string. Example:

exec app.spSetGlobalSetting 'AllowedAttachmentTypes',


Note: All allowed file extension have to be included in the string. It is not possible to add more extension by running the script with only the new ones.



Setting to control the maximum size of attached files. File size in Mb (Megabytes).

update app.GlobalSettings

set Value = N

where [Key] = 'MaxAttachmentFileSizeInMb'



To be able to use Google Maps for showing locations in map in NSP for tickets, users or CIs you must have a Google API key. See Google Maps API Key for more information how to get an API key from Google. To enter the key into the database, run script:

exec app.spSetGlobalSetting 'GoogleMapsApiKey', '[Your_Google_API_Key]'



Normally scheduled triggers are executed only for open tickets. If you need scheduled triggers to execute also for closed tickets you can use this setting. In the setting you can specify time period (time from current time) for tickets to be executed.

Note: Enabling scheduled triggers for closed tickets for long time period could affect system performance. System have to regularly scan large amounts of tickets. Please contact Nilex NSP Support if you need to insert this setting



URL to NSP Web. Example:

exec app.spSetGlobalSetting 'NSPWebAddress', 'http://nspsupport.nspnilex.com:90'



URL to NSP Self Service Portal. Example:

exec app.spSetGlobalSetting 'NSPSelfServicePortalAddress', 'http://nspsupport-ssp.nspnilex.com:90'



URL to NSP Social Network Server. Example:

exec app.spSetGlobalSetting 'SocialNetworkServerUrl', 'http://nspsupport.nspnilex.com:1703'



URL to NSP Mobile. Example:

exec app.spSetGlobalSetting 'NSPMobileAddress', 'http://nspsupport-mobile.nspnilex.com:90/'



Language Id for NSP Standard Language.


Currency Id for default Currency.


File path to folder used for full text search indexes.

Note: If more than one NSP installation are running on same server the installations must have different folders for full text search indexes.



exec app.spSetGlobalSetting 'LuceneFullTextSearchDir ', 'C:\NSP\NSPSupport\NSPSearchIndex'



If CMDB setting Read all fields, change only selected fields in CI is in use user has permission to change only fields that have been defined in this setting. Selected fields is possible to specify only via DB store procedure. Example:

exec [app].[AddCiSelectedFields] @staticFields = 'Name,Description,ThirdFields' , @dynamicFields = 'CustomFieldName1,CustomFieldName2,CustomFiledName3'

In this script staticFields are properties on root level (common for all CI Types) and dynamicFields are all other properties (in CI subtypes, both standard and custom properties).

Names of staticFields you find in database in app.Columns table, column Name. For dynamicFields you find names in table cmdb.CiTypeProperties, column Name.

Ticket Reminder

You can create reminders, notification emails to be sent a specific time defined in a ticket field.

Example: You want to activate a notification as reminder for an entity type.

On entity you have to create two extra custom fields:

1.   DateTime reminder field, shall be visible in form.

2.   ReminderFlag Boolean checkbox field which is added to entity but not visible in form.

In app.GlobalSettings table, add new settings:

exec app.spSetGlobalSetting 'TicketReminderOne', 'datefieldid:5954;flagfieldid:5955;templateid:31;recipient:BaseAgent'

TicketReminderOne is key, key must begin with “TicketReminder”, and be followed by any unique text, in this example “One”.

datefieldid is ID from sys_Def_column for the DateTime field.

flagfieldid is ID from sys_Def_column for the Flag field.

templateid is ID from SYS_DEF_TEMPLATES email Text Template for the notification.

recipient = BaseAgent, EndUser, or other User field on ticket entity.

Each settings is for one entity type. You can create more settings for same type using different keys. Each key shall begin with “TicketReminder”.  You can use same DateTime field for several reminders, but every reminder must have its own Flag field.