Ticket Description

The top part of the ticket form contains general ticket information, Source Icon, Ticket Subject and Id, Priority and time information (Created, Updated, and Time spent). In right part there is Info button (help text), Status button and Form template button.

Below the top part is the ticket Description displayed. If description is long only top part of it is visible initially. In this case there is a Show more… link in lower right corner to expand the part and display the complete description. If you expand the description the link is changed to Show less….

Ticket Subject can be edited, click the subject field and overwrite with new subject text.

Ticket Description can be edited (this option is controlled by system permission). If you have permission to edit the description there is an Edit link in lower right corner. This link opens a popup with a text box containing the current ticket description.

When you change Subject or Description (or other property on the ticket) a history post will be created for the ticket. This post contains old and new value, date and time when the change was done and which user did it. See Ticket Comments.

Ticket description

The ticket description section is normally divided into tabs: Comments, Linked Tickets, CI List, Task List, Work Log and KB Article. If there are tickets merged to the current ticket an additional tab, Merged Tickets is displayed. All of these tabs are explained in the text below: