Configurations > Knowledge Base Management > Categories
In this function you can manage the Categories in Knowledge Base. Categories is a hierarchic tree-organized set of values that indicates the subject of the content of the KB articles.
• Knowledge Base
o General
o Known errors
o Common questions
o Other
o Hardware
o Computer
o Printer
o Network Equipment
o Software
o Network
New KB Category can be added by clicking the Add Category button above the list. In popup Category and Name are mandatory fields, and you can add a Description and browse for an icon. The icon is shown beside the name in lists in Agent Portal and Self Service Portal. The new Category will be created as a subcategory to the category you select in the form. You can select the top node (Knowledge Base) to create a new main Category.
Add Custom KB Subcategory
To add a Category subtype, click the button Add Subcategory to the right on the row displaying the parent Category for the new subcategory. In the popup form you have to define Name (mandatory field), Description and an Icon of the new Category similar to when you create a new KB Category, see above.