Customer Account Types

Configurations > Financial Management > Customer Account Types

In a Customer Account you store all information about the buyer. It can be a user, group, department, organization, company or combinations of those. You add End Users and Agents as Members.

Note that a NSP user cannot be member of more than one Customer Account. Ticket Requester membership decides which account shall be charged when a worklog is submitted.

Finally attach a Charging Plan to define charging to the account.

Here you configure the different types of account you use, e g support, lease, services, etc. Customer Account Types can be added in a hierarchical structure with parent and sub types. The types inherits properties from parent types and you can specify own new properties, see below.

When managing Customer Account they can be filtered by account type.

To define a Customer Account Type you enter Name, Description and select an icon for the type. Name and Description are localized, translatable items.

You can add user defined properties to the Customer Account Type. Select Edit Properties in menu rightmost on row. In this menu you also find item for Edit, Activate/Deactivate, Add Subtype and Delete.

Each Type has an own sets of standard properties. When creating a new type on the basis of an already existing, the new will inherit all the properties from its ancestors. You can customize the types by changing editing standard properties and/or add your own field using the Formbuilder.

Customize a standard field by double clicking on the field and the Edit Property dialog will show. All options are not available on every standard field. For instance is the Name property so essential that it can never be hidden.

   Hide field -either hide the field when item is created.

   Show in info panel - make it show in side panel (left hand side in AP, right in SSP).

   Entity – The field is a dropdown list and here you choose what list of values to show.

   Add dependent field – In Formbuilder topic
