Add/Edit Customer Account

Set-up of the Customer Account is done in three steps. Select Charging  in agent left menu. Click Customer Accounts in top menu to show a list of existing accounts. Here click button Add account. First step is a popup where you shall select a Customer Account Type. The type decides which properties can be set for the account. All accounts have the set of basic properties described below, but customer defined properties could have been added.

The same forms are used to edit an already existing account (except the selection of account type), then select Edit link rightmost on row for the account.

Form consists of three tabs, Properties, Charging Plans and Members. You can step between tabs with buttons Next or Back. When set up is finished for all tabs, click Save to return to Customer Account list.

Tab Properties

In first tab, Properties, you enter Name and Description (translatable texts) and a set of basic properties:

   VAT applicable: Enable checkbox if VAT shall be added in invoices created for this account. For work charging is default VAT added, for service items there could be different VAT due to which service item have been ordered. VAT is not added to Additional Charges.

   VAT Number: Your company´s VAT number. This number is shown on invoice.

   Currency Code: Mandatory field. Select currency for the account. All charging is done in system default currency. If another currency is selected here the total sum of invoice will be converted to this currency.

   Language: Mandatory field. Select language to be used in invoices created from this account.

   Work charging: Enable this checkbox if charging for work via worklogs shall be allowed for this account. If enabled you have to select a Charging Plan for work charging in next tab.

   Service Catalog charging: Enable this checkbox if charging for orders from Service Catalog shall be allowed from this account. If enabled you have to select a Charging Plan for service item charging in next tab.

Note: At least one of the checkboxes Work charging and Service Catalog charging must be enabled.

   Address: Customer´s address. Click Add to open popup where you enter address properties. It is possible to add multiple addresses, in popup there is a checkbox for default address, this will be shown on the invoices.

   Email: Customer´s email. It is possible to add multiple email addresses, in popup there is a checkbox for default address. The email address is not used in this version.


Tab Charging Plans

In this tab you select which Charging Plan to use for charging customers that belongs to the Customer Account. You can select Charging Plan for Work and/or Service Catalog charging due to which of them were enabled in first tab. It is mandatory to choose a Charging Plan for each enabled type.

Click Add charging plan, select a plan in popup for the charging types respective. When a plan is selected the Add charging plan is disabled. 

If you already have selected a plan or have opened the plan in Edit mode you can change Charging Plan to use. Click link Change current rightmost on row.


Tab Members

Select members of the Customer Account. You can select both End Users and Agents. Same user can be member of only one account.

Note that a NSP user cannot be member of more than one Customer Account. Ticket Requester membership decides which account shall be charged when a worklog is submitted.

When an Agent adds a worklog to a ticket the ticket Requester membership specifies which Customer Account to be charged.

Add user button opens popup where you select users. Users can be removed by using link Remove rightmost on row or mark checkboxes in front of the user names.

In form there are functions for sort, filter, search, refresh and paging similar to other NSP functions, see General User Interface.