Login Configuration - Policy

Login Configuration - Policy section


In Policy section you define user password security level in NSP. Level can be selected from three predefined settings:

1.  Low - This level defines that the password must be at least 5 characters.

2.  Medium - This level defines that the password must be at least 6 characters. It must include letters in mixed case, numbers and a character which is not the letter or number means special character.

3.  High - This level defines that the password must be of at least 6 characters. It must include letters in mixed case, numbers, and a special character which is not a letter or number. It must be different than the previous five passwords. It should expire in 90 days.


Besides the password security level, you can set duration in hours when unused password link expires, maximum login attempts and unavailability period after failed login.

4.  Password Link Expiration: The value will specify the time in Hours after which create / reset password link will be expired, if it is unused. It contains numeric textbox to define the time in hours. You can enter the value or can use increase/decrease button to increase or decrease the value.

5.  Maximum login attempts: The value will specify a limit on the number of unsuccessful login attempts that a user can make. You can enter the value or can use increase/decrease button to increase or decrease the value.

6.  Account unavailability period after last failed login: The value will specify the time in Minutes for which account will be suspend after last failed login. It contains numeric textbox to define the time in minutes. You can enter the value or can use increase/decrease button to increase or decrease the value.