Agent Portal
Nlxid: REQ0005088
Messages and lock indication in ticket form has been improved.
Agents can have permission to unlock tickets that other agent has locked. This is inserted as a permission setting on agent Role, tab Entity Action, section Tickets.
If locked ticket is opened in Edit mode when you inlock, you need to close down and reopen the ticket form to unlock all ticket fields.
Read more: Lock tickets
Nlxid: REQ0004730
Bug fix in Quickstep Delete. In earlier version you were forced to enter data to all mandatory fields in the ticket form before it was possible to delete. This check is now removed so you can delete the ticket with mandatory fields not filled in.
It is possible for End Users to give feedback to agent when they close ticket on SSP. End User can click one of those icons:
Feedback is shown in Agent´s Dashboard summary stats widget:
Customer feedback shows feedback from customer current week.
Nlxid: REQ0003355, REQ0003608
Improvements of yellow indication in Dashboard and Views that ticket is already opened by other user. If user closes ticket correctly by selecting new Status or by x in the ticket tab is the indication automatically removed in other user´s view. However, if user logs out or close down the browser when a ticket is currently open, other users need to refresh Dashboard or View to remove the indication.
Nlxid: REQ0005083
New function to update properties for multiple CIs at the same time.
In CI List there are inserted checkboxes on each row where you can mark multiple CIs. In Mass update form you then can select which properties that shall be updated. For each selected property you can select a new value or set value=empty (remove old value).
Read more: CI Mass update.
New function to add an application filter to Network Scanning order. The filter limits which computers and software applications that shall be included in the scanning. The filter should be added as json code in a textbox before start of scanning. First part filter which computers shall be included in the scan, second part filter which applications shall be included.
Read more:
Nlxid: REQ0004744
Two properties are added to CI Type:
• Business Category
• Department Number
Properties can be imported from System_DISC table in SCCM database during SCCM network scanning.
If you are in need of this functionality or want more information, contact NSP support (
Service Catalog
Nlxid: REQ0004986
For orders from Service Catalog the system´s Maintenance host (MH) needs to be active. If MH was not active an error message was shown when order a service item.
From this version an outbox is inserted. It is now possible to order when MH is not active. Order is put in outbox and is automatically executed when MH has been activated.
Nlxid: REQ0005047
New settings for service items:
Disable Ordering: Checkbox, if enabled order of service item is not available on Self Service Portal. Buttons for Order and Add to Chart are hided. Purpose of this setting is e g when ordering shall be temporarily disabled without changing other settings.
View Permissions (Groups): Add Groups for which the service item shall be shown on SSP. If no groups are added the item is visible for all groups.
Order Permissions (Groups): Add Groups that shall be able to order the service item. If no groups are added the item is available for all groups.
Read more: Add new Service Catalog item
Knowledge base
You can select Groups as recipient when sending KB article by email, email will then be sent to all members of the groups, or you can select recipients individually (or a combination of groups and users). All recipients is set as BCC, this means that a single person that receive the email never can see which the other recipients are.
Social media
Now NSP has a solution to monitor social media also with Twitter. Questions and comments from Twitter and Facebook can be handled.
Nlxid: REQ0004895
Hard Delete – ticket and all connected objects (comments, attachments, worklogs, tasks, etc) are deleted. Delete is done by procedure running in background. Procedure schedule is inserted by script. It is recommended to schedule running during night. Tickets that shall be deleted shall be marked (manually or by a trigger). A new property, MarkedForDelete is added to Base Entity Request, when this property is set TRUE will the procedure delete the ticket.
If you are in need of this functionality or want more information, contact NSP support (
Nlxid: REQ0004896
A new SQL view for archiving of tickets. Db view is called from excel and the list can then be saved in an archive (CSV file).
If you are in need of this functionality or want more information, contact NSP support (
Nlxid: REQ0005082
Updates added to API. Parts of API that have been added or updated for NSP version 10.7.5 is marked with a green left edge line in API documentation, see NSP Public API.
New field, Invoice Start Date, is inserted for Invoice setting in a Charging Plan. As before you define invoice per week, per month, etc. New setting defines from which date the cyclic invoice settings shall be used.
Customer Change Notes
Nilex Ticket ID |
Description |
REQ0003724 |
Improvements for Performance on KB |
Nilex Ticket ID |
Description |
REQ0004730 REQ0002091 |
Quickstep: Using delete possible to delete ticket without adding mandatory fields |
REQ0002528 REQ0004800 REQ0004280 |
Some Info from KB are hidden for Endusers |
REQ0005088 |
Permissions for locked tickets, and ui notification for unlocking the ticket |
REQ0004647 REQ0004727 |
Add new - hardcoded in field reported by - Entity Editor |
REQ0005083 REQ0000596 |
Possibility to update several CI:s at the same time |
REQ0004440 |
Organization form: CI tab shall include also CIs owned by the organization |
REQ0005082 |
Changes in RestApi |
REQ0004897 |
Possible to unlock a locked ticketfor agent |
REQ0004896 |
SQL view archiving |
REQ0004895 |
Hard delete - tickets incl. all related objects |
REQ0004744 |
More properties from SCCM to NSP |
REQ0005047 |
Permissions on Service catalog |
Nilex Ticket ID |
Description |
REQ0005010 |
Time format not correct exported to Excel |
REQ0004975 |
Knowledgebase user permissions dont work |
REQ0004908 |
If priority order is changed - error when saviing ticket |
REQ0004902 REQ0005218 |
The costfield shows the wrong value |
REQ0004871 |
GDPR: Wrong confirmation message to EndUser |
REQ0004867 |
Company tag on print Text template does not read input |
REQ0004799 |
Ordered list and unordered list don’t show in SSP |
REQ0004795 REQ0004679 REQ0004616 REQ0004847 |
AddNewTab error - session time |
REQ0004794 |
Ticket on close pop up - comment timer time should be transferred into pop up |
REQ0004775 |
Dashboard; Empty left panel |
REQ0004508 |
Tab Organization - Visual error for HTML field on Organization |
REQ0001069 |
Problem to send report to users using a CSV files |
REQ0004424 |
Linked ticket list in user profile is empty |
REQ0003355 REQ0003608 REQ0003642 |
Views: Indicator for Already opened by errors |
REQ0005113 |
Paging don’t work for linked tickets |
REQ0005137 |
User created date and time field will not be saved in ticket |
REQ0005117 |
Editing a description in a custom fields does not apply to the item |
REQ0005116 |
Custom field checkbox Show info in panel has no impact |
REQ0005025 |
Ticket History: Wrong agent is set on history action in ticket |
REQ0004870 |
Unable to start NNS agent |
REQ0004841 |
Urgency/Impact matrix: priority is not set |
REQ0005128 |
Close Task confirmation question is shown when nothing has been changed |
REQ0005092 |
Service order: Date and time field show UTC Time |
REQ0005186 |
Add CC to CC field using Autocomplete don’t work properly |
REQ0005087 |
Problem with SC and custom field(Radio button) and default value not show |
REQ0004636 |
Unable to match users with CIs |
REQ0004998 |
Unable to change SLA conditions |
REQ0005138 |
CC (on ticket) with agent type gets a "new comment notification" |
REQ0005186 |
Add CC to CC field using Autocomplete don’t work properly |
REQ0005119 |
Chosen date in Service item not showing right |
REQ0005155 |
Problem with PRO licens - Should not show Shopping cart |