NNS - Quick run-through

For users who wish to follow just the important steps in Network Scanning in order to get started quick and easy with the module, here is a quick run-through:

   Start the NNS console.

15.         If another tool is used to deploy the agent-application, jump to step 8.

16.         Scan and install settings: Open Network Scan/Install settings and check the option Install by IP if DNS is not used in the network. Also add one or more accounts which shall provide locale administration permissions on all clients (can be local account or domain account) so that the agents can be installed.

17.         Start a scan of the network (Ctrl + w or menu Network scanning > Scan network). Click on Next to start the scanning.

18.         In the search result window, it is possible to determine on which computers to install agents (for example right-click in list and select Check all not registered, or just check a few computers for test purpose). Click on the button Install agent.

19.         For units with Linux and MAC, and non-computers (printers, switch, routers, Windows CE etc.) mark the checkbox, right click and chose Add as custom.

20.         In the installation window, it is now shown how the agent installation works out.

21.         Close the dialog when finished, the computers who received agents and new custom units will now appear in the main list.

22.         When the agents are deployed and shown in the main list do the following: Select the menu Inventory > Collect from all or press F7 key to start collecting inventory data. It is also possible to check one computer and press F6 key for single collect test.

23.         Now information about hardware and software is collected by the agents (if there are many agents simultaneously sending collect-data to NNS Service, it might take quite a while before it is all processed).

24.         To view the collected information, double-click on a unit and a new window opens. Click on the load-button to the left in toolbar.

25.         The units are now ready to be transferred to a NSP database with the help of NNS integration and NNS Agent. The first step is to configure it as external module.

These steps show how to manually collect information. In dialog Settings you decide how to configure an automatically handled collect.