Permission Levels - Reset Password

The Reset Password option is only available for Person entity in System Entity Group.

User Level permission () for Reset Password option means that users of the role can Reset Password only to oneself. If you have defined User Level scope then each user covered in the role can only see Reset Password option for oneself in the list of People displayed under MANAGE > People.  

Group Level permission () means that user of the role can Reset Password only to members of selected groups. If you have defined Group Level scope then each user covered in the role can only see Reset Password option for members of the selected groups in a list of People displayed under MANAGE > People.  When you select a Group Level and right click the symbol, a popup opens enabling you to select group(s) from the available, active groups in the system. If single group or multiple groups but not all are selected, then image icon will be surrounded by orange border. If all groups are selected then image icon will be surrounded by green border.

Organization Level permission () means that user of the role can Reset Password only to members of user’s organization. Similar to Group Level, if Organization Level is selected and you right click the symbol, a popup is opened where you can select organization(s) from available, active organizations in the system. If single organization or multiple organizations but not all are selected, then image icon will be surrounded by orange border. If all organizations are selected then image icon will be surrounded by green border.

You define System Wide scope () for allowing users of the role to Reset Password for users of the entire system.