Http-message headers

In order for NSP REST-API to know which user is making the request, what permissions to apply, and in which language to return data, this information is required to be included in the headers of every http-message that is sent to it.




One of the following numbers:

1 - English

2 – Swedish

3 - Danish

4 – German

5 – Polish

6 – Russian

7 – Spanish

8 – Ukrainian

9 - Soumi

10 - System

11 – Turkish

15 – Norwegian



One of the following 4-letter strings:

en-US - English

sv-SE – Swedish

da-DK - Danish

de-DE – German

no-NO – Norwegian

pl-PL – Polish

ru-RU – Russian

es-ES – Spanish

uk-UA – Ukrainian

fi-FI - Soumi

zh-TW - System

tr-TR – Turkish



Value provided from authentication-method


Optional. By default, the user is the one authenticated from token, but there are situations where it may be useful to act in capacity of another user. In that case, include this optional parameter.



Example raw text logged from an http-message call made to PublicAPI:

POST http://*********/api/PublicApi/GetEntityById HTTP/1.1

AuthenticationToken: ******************************************

CultureName: en-US

LanguageId: 1

Accept: application/json

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Host: helix2:1900

Content-Length: 140

Expect: 100-continue

Connection: Keep-Alive



  "Id": 4662,

  "EntityType": "Ticket"
