Invoicing and Work logs – migration information

This chapter needs to be read carefully if you in earlier version have used the Work log function and intend to continue doing this after upgrading to NSP 10.7.5.


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As a result of the new financial function the function for Work logs have changed. Debiting is no longer done via Hourly rate defined on each user, but using Work rates defined on their own. These are then linked to users via the Charging plan. In order to continue using the work log function, either these are to be invoiced or not, a migration must be done when upgrading to 10.7.5. There are 2 main ways to choose.

Few Hourly rates – Meaning you have a limited number of different Hourly rates on the users that have been assigned a rate.  For instance a couple of standard rates that 80% uses and some special rates that some “experts” charge. In this case you benefit if you put in the effort and create a charging structure manually with the standard rate as base and the experts rates in Charging rules. You can say that the new structure is built to minimize future maintenance for this case.


Many different Hourly rates Script has been created has been written that creates a charging structure that makes it possible to work in a corresponding way as in earlier versions.

The scripts creates Customer account (NSP), Charging plan (NSP) and standard Work rate (NSP). They also creates new Work rates stemming from the old Hourly rates. All users with an Hourly rate assigned in the old version will get a separate Charging rule. The scripts add the users to the Customer account and their charging rules to the Charging plan.

There are some things you need to consider if choosing alternative 2.

   If there is a need to change Work rates the amount of work needed for this corresponds to earlier versions. You have to open the Charging rule of each user and change it there.

   Only Hourly rates  in standard currency is migrated.

   The standard work rate in the Charging plan – The scripts sets the standard rate to 1 euro. Initially this has no impact as all users have their own Charging rule that holds the correct rate. However, new user will use the rate from the Debiting plan. Open the NSP charging plan and enter your standard rate in the Base rate tab.

   Standard rates from Hourly rates – The standard value of a Work rate is mandatory. If an Hourly rate in earlier version does not have a standard value, the script will not be able to create one in the migration. You then have two options:

o Manually change the Work rates that lack standard value.

o Run a script that allocates a standard value to the Rates that lack it.


If you decide to migrate using scripts contact Nilex support for further information.