Updated spSetGlobalSettings with new features for installation setup, script is expanded, now correct url is saved also for System Tags (SystemUrl and AutServerUrl) in table SYS_DEF_TEMPLATE_MANAGEMENT.
System Tags, see section Template Tags. Those url is used when sending e g password link, entity link or in text templates.
Nlxid: REQ0005810
In system views it is now possible to change location and edit size of the Status column. By default after upgrading the system the status column is put on the right side (rightmost on row). If you want to change this then you need to change it in view configuration for all the system views.
Nlxid: REQ0005275, REQ0005442
It has been added a global setting to disable menu GDPR for all users on Self Service Portal. This settings will hide menus from user interface (similar to when user doesn’t have permissions for something).
Run this command to hide GDPR on SSP:
exec app.spSetGlobalSetting 'DisablePersonalDataProtectionOnSSP', 'true'
Change to 'false' if you want to enable again.
However, also if you disable GDPR there is a message box shown first time an End User logs in to Self Service Portal. In this box the terms shall be confirmed. The text shown in the message is text configured for General Agreement in GDPR. If GDPR is disabled you can change this text to a general welcome message.
Welcome text
Other texts in this box can be edited in Language Manager:
• Text General Agreement can be changed by editing language tag Common.TitleGeneralAgreement.
• Text Terms & Condition can be changed by editing language tag Common.TermsAndConditions.
• Text I have read and agree to the Terms of Service can be changed by editing language tag Common.ConfirmTermsOfServiceAgreement.
• The welcome text can be changed also by editing language tag Common.TextGeneralAgreement.
Customer Change Notes
Nilex Ticket ID |
Description |
Worklog: Performance of Worklogs optimized |
Ticket: Image cache and chache problem on save ticket optimized |
REQ0006182 |
SSP Knowledge base: End User/ Permission trouble by changing the last ID in KB article link |
REQ0006124 |
System views: Script for adding column status on system views included (News from |
Nilex Ticket ID |
Description |
REQ0005998 |
Ticket - ADD + : System open the wrong entities standard form |
REQ0006007, REQ0006206 |
LDAP Sync: If users were deactivated by LDAP, then users were still selectable/searchable in tickets |
REQ0006131 |
Roles: Translation error in roles - New Entity Names empty in tab System Entity Group |
REQ0004679 |
Ticket: Some tickets couldn't be opened in advanced mode - error AddNewTab= Cannot read property….. |
Login Configuration: External Identity Providers - sometimes auto login couldn't be set in GUI |
Nilex Ticket ID |
Description |
REQ0005733 |
Ticket notifications: Security check for Ticket Entity Links in email to Agent, if agent has no access to ticket group the ticket can't be opened by link in email. No message will be shown - only ignored |
REQ0005610 REQ0005782 |
Ticket notifcations - internal comment: Rollback from - change for persons of type agent in CC (on ticket) should not get "internal comment notification". Rollback like it works before as designed, because notifications to assignee were affected negative. No notifications were send to assignee on ticket if incoming reply-mails to ticket were inserted as internal comment. After rollback persons of type agent in CC on ticket will get internal comments again. Nilex have to look after another solution in future. Persons of type Enduser in CC on ticket are not affected at all, they will never get internal comments by mail, as design. |
Maintenancehost: controlling of memory leak during import/ sync for LDAP scheduled jobs |
Nilex Ticket ID |
Description |
REQ0005442 REQ0005387 REQ0005275 REQ0005797 |
GDPR settings: Possibility to disable GDPR menu on SSP for all users |
REQ0005810 |
Views management : It was not possible to change the order of status column in system views. Status was not available in systemviews |
Nilex Ticket ID |
Description |
REQ0003107 |
API: Unable to add agent to group by API |
REQ0005617 |
CMDB Export used the system names on userdefined attributes. |
REQ0005800 |
CMDB Export: User Defined CI Fields not shown in Export file. |
REQ0005542 |
CMDB: CI Groups - When a CI is member of two CI groups it's not seen in any. |
REQ0005987 |
CMDB: CI's in the group - not loading correctly, empty list |
REQ0005907 |
CMDB: CI's Relations was not showing the full text when language was set to swedish |
REQ0005842 |
Entity Editor: It was not possible to delete an new entity from the Entity Editor |
REQ0005456 |
Form Builder/Property Editor (Types for Worklog, CI, KB, Customer account) : When you had changed properties for an entity -> forms were not be correct |
REQ0005973 |
GDPR: Error - using browser FF - when you try to create data set under Personal Data Categories |
REQ0006048 |
Global Configurations -> Locations: List is empty, no locations shown |
REQ0004683 REQ0004673 REQ0005913 REQ0005749 |
Global Configurations: Category permissions did not work on group levels |
REQ0005860 |
LDAP sync: Problem with scheduled Ldap jobs - they were locked and couldn't be unlocked |
REQ0005530 |
Life Cycle: Not possible to configure and editing custom life cycles |
REQ0006061 |
Other notifications: Notifications on knowledgebase didn't work correct |
REQ0005465 |
Report template: Adding SLA property (MainWaypointStage.Agreement) to report, report was not possible to preview or send out. |
REQ0005771 |
Service Catalog: Information field did not work if you drag it out
to orderinformation. |
REQ0005366 |
Service Catalog: Image on Service Item was not shown correct |
REQ0005670 |
SSP - Configuration: If solid color background was selected New York photo is shown in browser IE |
REQ0005914 REQ0005559 |
SSP - Service Catalog: If a property had more than 70 characters it could not be added to the cart, even if the tex "Successfully added" appeared |
REQ0005805 |
Task: If comment setting "Incoming email as internal comment" was enabled it also affected email messages on Task. |
REQ0005615 |
Task - Dashboard: It was not possible to change column size on Dashboard for Task |
REQ0005540 |
Ticket form - Quicksteps: Printing ticket - the priority data was missing when saving in PDF format |
REQ0005197 |
Ticket form - Quicksteps: Merge ticket: The link in the comment after merge was not clickable. |
REQ0005831 |
Ticket form - tab Tasklist: Edit status with reassign button also edit the assignee field even if no changes were made |
REQ0005976 |
Ticket form - tab Tasklist: No task template was loaded if you first open the Requester or organisation tab before creating the Task |
REQ0004794 |
Ticket form: Comment timer was transferred to pop up close form, but didn't stopp counting after saving comment |
REQ0005639 |
Ticket form: Danish Date+Time field: Value is deleted when saving the entity |
REQ0005615 |
Ticket form: It was not possible to change column size in several tabs on a tickets |
REQ0005939 |
Ticket form: The Pop Up Save changes appeard even if the ticket was saved after closing the ticket |
REQ0005854 REQ0005746 |
Ticket notifications: Comment reply to all in advanced ticket mode didn't worked correctly - all addresses were not pre-selected in mailform |
REQ0005860 REQ0005753 |
Ticket Task List: Wrong tasks are overdue marked if list is sorted other than default and Red color overdue indicator was wrong too |
REQ0006001 |
Triggers: Trigger action 'Add Comment' - comment templates could not be selected |
REQ0005546 |
Views management: Couldn't add or save View filter with date columns |
REQ0005902 |
Views: Column Ticket subtype was empty if the ticket had the standard subtype for the entity |
REQ0006031 |
Worklog: Edit form was blank if Agent cost = 0 |
Nilex Ticket ID |
Description |
REQ0005923 |
The system made a time out when creating a new print template. |
REQ0005554 REQ0005595 REQ0005792 |
It was not possible to add and edit referens entity, the fields were empty in global configuration. |
REQ0005847 |
Elastic Search: It was not possible to search for objects in Custom made fields. |
REQ0005752 |
Method api.ApplyTaskTemplate (record, taskTemplateId)
using in event-trigger |
Nilex Ticket ID |
Description |
REQ0005829 REQ0005825 REQ0005846 REQ0005837 REQ0005878 REQ0005880 REQ0005861 |
It was not possible to open more than one tab in
Internet Explorer |
Nilex Ticket ID |
Description |
REQ0005722 |
UTC time was not converted to users timezone. |
REQ0005141 |
The ticket list on CI was empty when trying to connect to a ticket. |
REQ0005553 |
Ticket form: Tag 'Description' in comment field - did not work because of larges images in ticket description. |
REQ0005803 |
Export to PDF and Excel did not work on task, permission were checked wrong. |
REQ0005729 REQ0005667 REQ0005714 REQ0005742 |
History tab: Selections for Date, User, Property and Time interval was missing on several functions (KB, CMDB and Contracts. |
REQ0005478 |
The assignee were added again after deleting the assignee from the ticket. |
REQ0005791 REQ0005544 |
It was not possible to edit time for LDAP Sync job. |
REQ0005877 |
It was not possible to mark as solution for some articles in tickets. |
Nilex Ticket ID |
Description |
REQ0005630 |
Date only field was showing time in views. |
REQ0005509 |
The forgot password link was missing from login page. |
REQ0005545 |
Report templates: advanced filtering did not work, value in fields was changed after save. |
REQ0005366 |
Dragging information field to orderinformation will show up as blank. |
REQ0004463 REQ0005651 |
Language error in SSP dropdowns using HTML-Script. |
REQ0005600 |
Index failed due to date conversion for some OS languages. |
Nilex Ticket ID |
Description/Beskrivning |
REQ0005338 |
A permission related issue that prevented the enduser from uploading specific images and files to SSP. |
REQ0005576 |
Not able to change resize on fields in KB. |
Improvements Elastic search columns in configuration are shown twice. |
REQ0005639 |
Problem to convert UTC time in ticket forms. |
SQL Script using in triggers was sometimes not executed if dynamic entity did not exist in the database. |
Nilex Ticket ID |
Description/Beskrivning |
REQ0005408 REQ0005321 |
Images in Service cataloge was not showing. |
REQ0005339 |
Improvements Elastic search. |
Performance improvements when using many users in the system (with 50,000 + users). |