News in NSP (1/9/2020)


Ticket priority for incoming email tickets

Nlxid: REQ0006693

Setting in Email Account Configuration: Map normal/low/high importance email to priority: Select priority to be set for ticket created from incoming email. Select one priority for normal, low and high importance of incoming email.

Read more: Email Account Configuration


Email ticket sender – Check for Reply to

Nlxid: REQ0006566

When NSP receive email from same address as defined in Email Account Configuration will message normally be ignored and message “Email message blocked by circular message detection” is written in log file. But if incoming email has other address defines as Reply To, then this address will be used as sender address instead of the original from address. This new logic will protect those messages from being blocked.


Added CI functions to API for trigger scripts

Nlxid: REQ0006686

A couple of new functions has been added to API, e g to handle linked CI in ticket triggers.

Read more: NSP Trigger scripts


Automatic purge of NSP log files

Nlxid: REQ0006784

Possibility to set up a scheduled job with settings to purge old NSP log files.

Read more: Automatic purge of NSP log files

Service Catalog order without invoicing

New setting in Function Global Settings, section Service Items:

Hide customer account selection on SSP, make orders without account: With this setting enabled users can order from Service Catalog without being member of a Customer Account. Order can be done, order item and ticket is created, but the order is not invoiced.


Hide link Forgot Password

Setting in SSP Configuration for not logged in users. Link Forgot Password on login page can be shown/hided.

Read more: SSP Configuration settings



Agent Portal

New tab in Ticket form, Calendar

Nlxid: REQ0006730

In the new tab you can link calendar events to the ticket. Linked events can be displayed in a list or in a calendar view. Here you can also create new calendar events and direct link them to the ticket. Tab visibility in ticket form is controlled by a permission setting that has to be activated by system administrator.

Read more:

Permissions - Entity Actions Tab

Calendar tab in ticket view mode

Calendar tab in ticket edit view.


Create new ticket button on Requester tab

In ticket form in edit mode and user profile form, left section, User tab a new button is inserted, Create ticket with this user as Requester: Opens form to create a new ticket (standard ticket type). Current user is pre-defines as Requester of the ticket.

Read more:

Add/Edit User

Ticket - Main properties

User Profile


Worklog timer steps

Nlxid: REQ0006778

New setting in Agent Portal Configuration, Worklog Timer Resolution (minutes). Worklog timer will change only in this step. If setting is e g 15 minutes, timer will start at 15, after 15 minutes step to 30, and so on.

Read more: Agent Portal Configuration

Timers in tickets


Pin important comments in tickets

Nlxid: REQ0004566

New icon inserted to pin important ticket comment. Pinned comments are always shown at the top of the comment flow.

Read more: Ticket Comments


Change password function moved

Change password item is removed from the user setting menu in upper right corner. User can still change the password. The function is available in Login Details form, also called from the user setting menu.

Similar change is done on SSP, also here Change Password function is removed from user profile and can be reached only from Login Details.

Read more: Login Details


Export templates for tickets

Nlxid: REQ0006891

Export template feature is used to create export files of chosen entities containing selected, desired information. From this version the export function is available also for tickets (all ticket types).

Read more: Export templates


Elastic Search improvements

Now you can insert search text inside quotes, e g “search text message”. You get hits only for entities where all the words in the search text occur. You don´t have to add AND operator between each word anymore.


New date columns in linked/related ticket list

Nlxid: REQ0004828

In lists showing linked or related tickets columns Created date and Updated date are added.

Columns are added in:

   Person Management

   Organization Management

   Ticket form - tab Requester

   Ticket form - tab Organization


Comment field resizable

Nlxid: REQ0006348

Comment field in ticket form, in both view (simple) mode and edit (advanced) mode is now resizable. You can use arrow symbol in lower right corner of the field to drag it to larger size.


Changed comment logic

Nlxid: REQ0006978

Changed logic if ticket Requester is an Agent NSP user. If agent open ticket in NSP Agent Portal where he is Requester himself only public comment are shown (same logic as if ticket is opened on SSP). Exception is if Requester is member of the group the ticket is assigned to, then there is no limitation, agent can then see all comment flow, including internal comments. The exception is then valid also if Requester and Assignee is same user.




CI Views

Nlxid: REQ0006780

New function to create customized CI Views. You can select columns and conditions, export to Excel/PDF and set permission on Group.

Read more: Manage Entity Views

Use CI Views


Create new ticket to relate to CI

Nlxid: REQ0006694

In CI Form, tab Tickets you can relate tickets to CI. Now you can select New or Existing ticket. New opens form to create a new ticket and directly relate it to the CI.

Read more: CMDB - CI Tickets tab


Multi delete of CI

Nlxid: REQ0002643

New function in CI List. You can mark CIs in checkboxes in list and use Delete function to delete all marked CIs in one command.

Read more: CMDB Multi delete


Lifecycles are editable

Now also default system defined lifecycles for CI can be changed. All CI lifecycles can then be adjusted to specific system requirement.


Improvements of NNS/SCCM/CapaInstaller sync

Nlxid: REQ0006777

When you do a sync import now same application CI (Software) is used for all computers (Assets) it is installed at. A new tab for Software CI in CMDB lists all assets where the software is installed. Before one software CI was created for each asset. This new logic will save a lot of space in CMDB.

Read more: CI Installed on tab


Lock for changes

Nlxid: REQ0006695

New setting in Function Global Settings:

Lock CIs, Products and Leasing - New setting to temporary lock for database updates. All functionality for Add, Edit, Delete and import CI, Products and Leasing becomes unavailable if setting is enabled.

Read more: Global function settings


Elastic Search in CI attachments

In Elastic Search settings for CI you can select Attachment as search property. In search function you can find CI where search keyword is in an attached file.



Property editor

Default field height of Text area fields

You can choose default height for text area field in pixels, value between 150 and 2000 pixels. This setting is the default height of field. When the object is created the field is resizable in the manner that with arrow in lower right corner height can be changed.

Read more: Custom Entity forms / Property editor



NSP Mobile

Clone CI

Nlxid: REQ0006779

Now you can create a new CI as a copy/duplicate of existing CI.

Read more: Mobile - CI Details/Edit/Duplicate



AD Sync

Map user with objectSID

Added double checking when syncing user. Earlier just email was checked. Now NSP will by default first check objectSID and if this not exist user will be synced with email as before.

This checking is used for example if you user have changed email, system will recognize this as an existing user and not create new.


Skip sync from AD if empty value

Nlxid: REQ0006783

New LDAP job setting:

Skip sync from AD if empty value: Only overwrite user profile value from AD if it is not empty.


Import new departments into CMDB

New LDAP job setting:

Import new unique user departments into CMDB: If user data in AD contains a new department, create this department in CMDB.




SLA function renamed

As the system supports also possibilities to use for internal agreements in the organization the SLA function is renamed to SLA/OLA. (Service Level Agreement/Operational Level Agreement).



Customer Change Notes


Nilex Ticket ID



New function: Automatic delete of NSP log files.


Calendar Events: Possible to add events from tickets to calendar.


CMDB: New function to create custom CI views with different columns.


Mail configuration: Priority mapping added  inside the mail configuration.


Triggers: Options to manage CI's from Triggers to Tickets and CMDB with API methods.


Improvements in email configuration: NSP will check reply to address
if incoming mail are the same as email configuration.

REQ0006891, REQ0006739

Possible to export ticket description through export templates.


NSP can now check users objectSID this makes it possible to let a user replace the email address.


No empty attributes will be fetched in AD sync.


Improvements of CMDB and Scanning. New logic will save a lot of space in the CMDB.

REQ0006859, REQ0006935

Improvements with log in for both Agent Portal and SSP.


Possible to create a ticket from a CI.



Nilex Ticket ID



Agent portal Ticket form: If agent is requester on a ticket this requester cannot see internal comments.


SSP Configuration: New setting for Start page on SSP - setting for "Show forgot password" link.


Possible to highlight comments in tickets.


Implemented the possibility to enlarge the commentfield

REQ0006628, REQ0006914

Columns for created date and updated date in linked tickets on Person management, Organization Management, Requester tab and ticket tab.


Categories for service catalog can be sorted as the user desires.


Possible to create a ticket from a user profile.


Text Template target Email - protect template from being deleted when used in a trigger.


New function added in mobile app: Possibility to clone CI on mobile.


Worklog: New configurations for Worklog timer added.

REQ0006753, REQ0006594, REQ0002643

CMDB: Function added in CMDB to have the possibility to multi delete several CI's.


CI's: New function to lock the possibility for agent  to edit, delete, import and lease CI's.



Nilex Ticket ID


REQ0006751, REQ0006396

Ticket templates: Ticket created by template gets the wrong Source icon.


Leasing contracts - inactivated CI types still appears.


Visual problem in CI tab relation  the graph view.

REQ0006650, REQ0006689

User profile: Field phonenumber could not contain space or signs.


View: Entity Problem view -  All open also contained closed tickets.


Views: It was not possible to filter more than one column and value in the view.


Module Leasing in Internet Explorer mixed up the different tabs.

REQ0006630, REQ0005830

Storage Level error if you saved an Inactive user in user profile.


Attribute Description in AD is not loaded in NSP.


Log in details for Users in AP shows the wrong results.


User profile: If a new agent never saved the user profile the wrong time format are shown for the agent in Task templates.


Ticket created by TicketDataTemplate got the wrong source icon.


Permission in views: Agent could see tickets in views that the agent did not have permission for. Disappeared after reload of the site.


Simple mode: Comments in simple mode could not have several level of bullets in comment field.


Search for tickets  in views on SSP did not work properly.

REQ0006432, REQ0006625

If user were deactivated, agents could search and add these deactivated users into a request.


Even if Invoicing was deactivated an error message appeared in Service catalog "Can’t add to cart, customer account is missing".


CMDB: Root fields was  inserted in DB when you added custom property on Ci type.


Could not set date filter on views on other languages than English.


Entity editor: System views will get inactive if you edit and save entity Base Request.


Filter tickets from user profile don’t work as expected.


Ticket advanced mode: Cannot mark a comment as a solution if internal is pre-selected.


Could not open SCO tickets if "Show" was not configured in Entity editor.


Scheduled reports: The system did not save the selected date and time if the default language is Norwegian.


Standard report for Survey Result in bar charts - No interactivity between click on bar and items in list below.

REQ0005989, REQ0005809

Service Catalog: If the system had a PRO License the user could not add Item in Cart.


Elastic search: Special signs like "_" were perceived as an empty space.


Import of users from CSV file did not work.


The pop up for attach file was to small user needed to scroll down to save attachment.


Visibility condition did not work in agent form if the fields was on the right side.


Wrong default form will load on different entities.


Entity Editor:-Person-form: Form could not be edited if agent choose/save a field of type umber that was set to mandatory.


Configuration CI Lifecycle column for Associated Statuses and Allowed Stages are empty.


Labels were one on tabs if agent zoomed in the browser to maximum size.


Problem to download attachments on Knowledgebase.


Column filter "Does not contain" also filtered out blanc fields.


SSP Submit ticket: Wrong name on ticket form when requester click on the link to the default form.


User created fields on SSP form and Agent form showed different information.


Mobile app was not adapted for tablets.


Elastic search: All result on Elastic Search don´t shown if you zoom in and out the browser size.


Mobile app: Agent could see all groups when assign a ticket.