News in NSP (3/11/2020)


Windows NTLM user authentication

Nlxid: REQ0007152

Functionality added to make it possible to use Windows NTLM Login user authentication embedded in IIS.

Enable NTLM Login by script:

exec app.spSetGlobalSetting 'WindowsNTLM', 'true'

if you want to enforce auto login:

exec app.spSetGlobalSetting 'WindowsNTLMAutoLogin', 'true'

On IIS for Authentication server you must enable Windows authentication in settings:

IIS Authentication server



Email Configuration

Nlxid: REQ0004934, REQ0007003

Email sent to NSP is converted to a ticket. Email reaches NSP and ticket is created either address as defined in Email Account Configuration is inserted in fields To, Cc or Bcc.  Additionally following rules to handle addresses in incoming email are used:

   Sender (From address) is inserted as Requester of the ticket.

   Users in To are inserted as CC in ticket (if not NSP address defined in Email Account Configuration).

   Users in Cc (Copy to) are inserted as CC in ticket (if not NSP address defined in Email Account Configuration).

   Users in Bcc (Secret copy) are ignored and not inserted in CC on ticket. 

Read more: Email Configurations


Changed comment logic

Nlxid: REQ0007061

New function in

Changed logic if ticket Requester is an Agent NSP user. If agent open ticket in NSP Agent Portal where he is Requester himself only public comment are shown (same logic as if ticket is opened on SSP). Exception is if Requester is member of the group the ticket is assigned to, then there is no limitation, agent can then see all comment flow, including internal comments. The exception is then valid also if Requester and Assignee is same user.

This changed logic is now from this version controlled by a system setting. The setting Hide internal comments if logged in Agent is ticket Requester in Function Global Settings must be enabled to get the comment logic described above. If setting is not enabled all comments will always be shown to agents, also if agent is Requester of the ticket.

Note that if agent has superadmin permissions this setting has no effect, superadmin user has full permissions to all functionality and data.

Read more:

Global function setting

Comment options in tickets


Reset GDPR agreement

Nlxid: REQ0007115

First time a user logs in to NSP he/she has to approve the agreement. Agreement is shown in a text box on Self Service Portal and user has to confirm it before being allowed to move into the system. For Form level and Field level agreements user in similar way has to approve agreement first time he/she submits a ticket.

In forms to edit agreement a checkbox, Revoke existing agreement after save, has been added to revoke the existing agreement. The checkbox shall be enabled when you save changes in the agreement texts that needs to be approved by the users. If it is enabled all users again has to confirm the agreement next time they log in (or submit a ticket) to be able to use the system. This is valid for all agreement levels, General, Form level and Field level.



Property setting Unique

New setting in Property Editor. Available only for Text, Number and Decimal Number fields and only for CI Types. Value in field must be unique for each CI in the database. If you try to save a CI with value that exist for other CI you get an error message and CI cannot be saved.

Read more: Custom Entity forms / Property editor



Multiple CIs in the same leasing

It is now possible to add multiple CIs at the same when defining a leasing, with restriction that all included CIs must belong to the same Product (due to price information is connected to the product).

Read more: Contract - Leased CI


Agent Portal

Multiple ticket update

In ticket lists in Dashboard and Views a checkbox column is inserted. If one or more tickets are marked in the checkboxes two links will be displayed at the top of the list, Edit and Add Comment. Edit opens a form where you can edit properties and save the changes in all marked tickets. In similar way Add Comment opens form where you can enter a comment and add it to all marked tickets.

Note: The multi update does not check if ticket is opened/locked by other agent. All selected properties will be overwritten for all chosen tickets.

Furthermore inserted property values are not checked for plausibility or allowance.

Use the function with carefulness and try to update tickets during time when system activity is low.

Permission to multiple update ticket functionality can be defined per role (In Roles & Permissions, Entity Actions tab, Ticket section. There are separate permission setting for Edit and Add Comment).

Note that those permission settings will be added as enabled for all existing roles when you upgrade your system. If you want this function to be available only for specific roles, there is a script developed to disable the settings for all roles. You can run the script and after that enable the permission for the selected roles. If you want to use this script, contact NSP Support (

Read more:

Ticket multi update

Ticket Permissions


Minimum refresh rate for dashboard and views changed

Refresh interval: This setting is used to set interval in seconds to automatically refresh data in Dashboard and Views. The value 0 (zero) means there will be no automatic refresh. Value greater than 0 means time interval in seconds. Activated auto refresh can have negative influence on system performance.

Minimum allowed value is changed to 60 seconds.


Dashboard left panel configuration setting removed

Nlxid: REQ0007272

Setting in User Profile to enable/disable Dashboard left panel (My latest updated tickets) is removed. Left panel is always enabled. It can be hide/shown by Dashboard button. This is done due to technical reasons, not possible to avoid graphical error with this setting available.

Read more: My latest updated tickets


Indexed Search

Elastic Search improvements

Support for Elasticsearch version 7 and general improvements implemented.


Customer Change Notes minor update


Nilex Ticket ID



GDPR: Possible to reset the pop up for general agreements on SSP.


User Profile - settings for left panel removed - now you can expand or hide only with button.

REQ0006986, REQ0005600, REQ0007439, REQ0007313, REQ0007260

Improvements Elastic search: Auto load more results in grid.


Improvements Elastic search: Search for KB Article gives result of the title in KB Article.


Improvements Elastic search: Correct date format in grid for results.


Elastic search: Improvements search for CIs.


API: Improvements in API if CI only have number.



Nilex Ticket ID



Delete actions in tickets is logged in ticket history.


CMDB: Possible to make a unique text field or number field.


Tickets: Possible to multi update tickets from views.


CMDB: Possible to choose several CI's in the same leasing plan.


Added setting in global function settings - enable/disable internal comments if agent is requester on a ticket.



Nilex Ticket ID


REQ0007249, REQ0007221

Add+ tab: Did not open the default ticket form.

REQ0007200, REQ0007092

Not possible to close linked tickets if a solution comment was already added in the ticket.


Permission Scopes: Wrong information was shown in role information.


A leased CI that is copied got the same status as the original CI.


Tickets did not load in views if column Firstname and Lastname were added.


Users ended up in several groups when the user was reactivated in the system.


CI Views: Columns with organization and department showed mixed result.


Task list: Errors in the Reassign function on other languages than English.

REQ0007003, REQ0004934

Ticket - created by email - orig. receiver of the email was missing in the tickets CC field.


In Entity actions if Service order is inactive cart can't be opened.


Knowledgebase: The pictures in articles was too small.


Mobile: Google Maps did not work when choosing a location in ticket.


Views: View all open also showed closed tickets on entities.

REQ0007320, REQ0007474

No complete validation check on field “To” in direct email.


Issue with group assignment if user type was change.


Service catalog: Wrong currency was shown in the confirm order.


Comment: When edit a pinned comment the change was not registered at the top of the comments.


Not possible to edit a trigger with condition "created by".


People: Paging stopped working when sorting the users in a group.


Add Quote sign on a product was shown as an  apostrophe in Service catalog.


Trigger: Comment template was not loaded in correct language.

REQ0007191, REQ0007135

Not possible to remove agent from default group if agent first was an enduser.


Tickets created by Ticket Data Templates were not saved if template was based on other entities than Request.


Scheduled tickets - CI couldn't be saved in configuration for scheduled tickets.

REQ0007462, REQ0007407

Survey report - some graphical bars didn't load tickets in list