The right side of the form contains tabs with all data of the selected item. The following text describes available tabs.
This tab displays general order information. All numbered properties are described in text below picture.
Service order
1. Service item image
2. Service item name
3. Service order status
4. Order reference number
5. Reference number of ordered Service item
6. Link to corresponding ticket. Shows the reference number of the ticket. Link is clickable, you can open the ticket from this link.
7. Requester image, name and email address
8. Quantity of item
9. Unit price with tax
10. Tax (tax value and calculated tax)
11. Total price
12. Description of the service item
13. Estimated delivery time
14. Export all button. By clicking on this button, PDF document will be created with all information regarding specific order (all fields from service item and service order, product descriptions as well as fields filled in by requester).
Order details are data that are submitted by the Requester when ordering. This tab contains all additional order details. Content is unique for each Service item. Which order detail properties that exist for an item is defined when the item is created and configured in the Service Catalog. Order details are data that are submitted by the Requester when ordering. Order details can be exported in PDF format. Button Export available in Order details tab will give only basic order details that requester filled in ( for example color of an item etc).
This tab contains service item additional details and properties. Service details are properties that describes details of the service item. Content is unique for each Service item. Which service detail properties that exist for an item is defined when the item is created and configured in the Service Catalog.
This tab displays tracking of order status changes. Information includes Status, Changed date and which User did the status change.