Scanning session

Configurations > CMDB Management > Inventory > Scanning session

The table shows all Scanning sessions existing in database. This table will also be used for editing or deleting existing sessions. Also you can close session.

List has following columns:  

   Name: Name of the Scanning session.

   Inventory: This column contains the name of the Inventory Scanning that the Scanning session belongs to.

   Created by: The column contains name and email of the agent responsible for the scanning session.

   Start Date: The column contains date when the scanning session becomes active.

   End Date: The column contains date when the scanning session becomes closed

   Active: Contains a flag that determines whether the scanning session is active or not. Flag is calculated value based on Start Date and End Date fields.

   Description: Contains description of the scanning session.

This list also contains a dropdown action for each scanning session. Available actions are: Edit, Delete and Close session (Close is available only if the scanning session is Active).