Edit Translation tags

To edit a language tag, follow those steps in Translation Management tab:

1.  Select language in Translation Language dropdown.

2.  Find the tag you want to edit in the list by using filter and/or searching functions.

3.  Each row contains an Edit button rightmost on row. Click the button for tag you want to edit.

The opened form contains four fields: Translation Key shows the name of the translation key. NSP Standard Language (NSP Standard Language) field displays the language tag text for the NSP Standard Language. This field could not be edited. Selected Language field displays current translation of the language tag in the selected language. In this field you can enter the new translation. Checkbox Locked for import should be enabled if you want to protect this translation for changes via xml file import.

Note that language for tags that contain GDPR descriptions, instructions or legal texts Locked for import is default activated. GDPR texts can be edited only in GDPR user interface or in Language Manager, they cannot be imported from xml file. If you want to import texts via xml file although, the texts first must be unlocked manually in Language Manager.

If the language tag is a descriptively text it is possible to format the text and include pictures, hyper links and tables. For those tags the field has a set of formatting tools above the text field:

Copy copies the NSP Standard Language text from the text field above.

Note: If you want to change the translation for NSP Standard Language, select this language as Translation Language. Same text is then displayed in both text fields, in the lower field you can edit the text.