Import/Export Language files


You can reach the Export option both on Language Management and in Translation management tab.

Using this option, you can export the existing translation of a specific language to an xml file. In export dropdown you have to select which language tags you want to export: System Defined or User Defined. For description of those language tag types, see Translation Management.

The xml file contains six columns:

   First column shows the name of the translation key. If the file contains System Defined tags all key names have prefix “NSPSYS_”. If the file contains User Defined tags they have prefix “NSPUSR_”.

   Second column displays the language tag text for the NSP Standard Language.

   Third column displays current translation of the language tag in Selected Language.

   EnableInJs: True=1 or False=0. Static or dynamic value, static tags are read into browser application from start, dynamic tag are read from database when it is needed.

   IsRte: True=1 or False=0. If True this text could be html formatted and can include e g format codes, images and links.

   IsEmpty: True=1 or False=0. True means that this tag contains no value, it is empty (=null).

You can edit the xml file using e g Excel or other xml editor.

Note: You should edit data only in third column. Do not change any names in the first column, this column contains internal key names and if they are changed the system could not save the changes correct in the database. Second column is used only for help, when translating tags. If you change data here it will have no effect when you import the file.

Normally values in column 4-6 should not be edited in the file.

The xml file could be used to make changes for a specific language, after editing the file could be imported to update changed language tags.

The file could also be used when you Install new language. Than all tags has to be translated, and the file should be used during install.


Using this option, you can import language xml files. The language files exported using Export option, System Defined and User Defined can be imported back to the system after translation or modification.

To install a new language you need to translate these two files into the language you want to add in NSP and import these, see Install new language.

When you click Import button a form will be opened containing two fields:

   Language Name: In this field is the current selected language displayed (selected in dropdown Selected Language). Could not be edited.

   File path: Mandatory field. By clicking Select file… button, you can browse the file system and select the xml file to import. Import of System Defined and User Defined language tags is handled in the same way. The system detects the tag type automatically. If the import updates an existing tag, tag type will be same as before. If import creates a new tag, this tag will be User Defined.

When you have setup all the fields, click Import button. Import of a file with System Defined tags can take several minutes. When import is finished a popup (Map existing tags) will be displayed, containing a list of tags that will be changed by the import. The list has six columns:

   Translation Key: Name of the language key used internally in the system to define the tag.

   Old translation: Existing translation value in database.

   New translation: New translation got from xml file.

   Enabled in JavaScript: Column has mark, e g if import will change value for EnableInJs. In this example value will changed from True to False. If you disable checkbox Overwrite, see below, will new value not be saved. Variable EnableInJs is described in section Export above.

   Is RTE: Column has mark, e g  if import will change value for IsRte. In this example value will changed from False to True. If you disable checkbox Overwrite, see below, will new value not be saved. Variable EnableInJs is described in section Export above.

   Overwrite: Checkbox where you can decide if you want to use new value or not. If you enable the checkbox the new value will be written to database, if checkbox is not enabled the old value will be kept. Above the list there is an additional checkbox, with this you can enable/disable all checkboxes on current displayed page.
Note that language tags that are not updated because Locked for import is enabled for the translation will also be displayed in the list. For those tags Overwrite are not available (text Locked for import is displayed).

Go throw the list, enable checkboxes for the tags you want to update and click Save.