News in NSP (12/22/2017)


New settings for ticket form

In Entity Action tab, section Tickets there are new settings to control which functions shall be available for user. You can switch on/off view of tabs in form, possibility to use quicksteps and if user shall have function to change ticket form available.

   CI list tab, Work Log tab, Linked Tickets tab, Task List tab, Call Log tab, KB Article tab: Those options control which tabs shall be available for user in ticket detail form.

   CI List Attach CI: If enabled, user can relate CI to a ticket in CI list tab.

   Change form template for ticket: If enabled user can change ticket form for a ticket in ticket detail form.

   Quicksteps in ticket form: Controls if user shall have quicksteps available in ticket detail form. If disabled the quickstep menu is not visible.


Ticket permissions


Setting for enable search in KB when submitting ticket on SSP

NlxId: REQ0002865

Role permission setting has been moved to Knowledge Base section (from Ticket section):

If this setting is enabled for the role, user can perform KB search from SSP Submit Ticket form by enter a search keyword in the search box:

If also automatic search when user input text in Subject field shall be activated, user must enable this feature in SSP Settings:



End User mapping to organization

NlxId: REQ0002763

New setting in Agent Portal Configuration for enable matching of new End Users to correct organization, via domain name. When End User register as new user or when anonymous, not logged in user submits a ticket using his email address (new End User is than created in NSP), the new user will automatically be member of correct organization (if organization with same domain as in email address exists).


CT Integration Country Calling Code

This code is used to match local caller to correct NSP user. For local calls no country code is received from Telavox in calling number. The country code is to be added for the location of the Telavox server.

All telephone numbers are stored in the database with country code included. For incoming local calls the country code in this setting is automatically added before system search for matching user.

If no country code is entered when you add a telephone number in User Profile page this code will be automatically used. If you add telephone number for a user situated abroad you must enter full telephone number with country code included.


Validation of telephone number

Due to CTI, when saving user profile an increased and more relevant validation of the telephone number is performed. If telephone number field (Phone and Mobile phone) contains an invalid telephone number you get an error message and user profile cannot be saved.

Field can contain numbers, spaces and hyphens (-).

If number starts with + or 00, system assume that it is followed by a country calling code followed by telephone number with beginning national prefix (0) excluded.

Numbers not beginning with + or 00, system assume a local number, country calling code is added by system before saving in db.



Service Catalog

Hide price information

New option for Service items. Checkbox to enable Hide price information, used for service items provided free of charge. If this option is enabled no information concerning price, tax or currency is displayed on SSP for the service item. Price information is also hidden in confirmation emails and service order ticket.




CMDB in NSP Mobile

CMDB function now available in NSP Mobile:

Read more:!Documents/mobilecmdb.htm



Asset Inventory function now available in CMDB Management and NSP Mobile:

Read more:!Documents/ad_086.htm!Documents/inventoryscanning.htm


CI Types on root level

NlxId: REQ0002372

It is now possible to create new CI Type on root level, not only as subtype to existing types.

Note: This feature was available also in NSP




Disable overwrite

Possibility to select attributes that shall not be overwritten when user data is synchronized from Active Directory. In LDAP server job form you can define a list of attribute that shall keep their values in NSP.


Sync of profile images from AD

New feature added for possibility to sync profile images from AD.



If you use SSL connection on AD you must have digital certificate installed on IIS server for specific AD domain.


Enable Google Map location service

NlxId: REQ0002762

New setting in LDAP Server Job form:

Enable Google Maps location service: If enabled, system is using Google Map for locations. Longitude and Latitude is fetched from AD and converted to address by Google Maps service. This service could be switched off because the function uses Google Maps queries. Google Map services is free of charge for 2500 queries per day. Read more about Google Maps API Key below. If disabled you get address (street, zip-code, city and country) without Latitude/Longitude values from AD.

View of user location with and without Google Maps location service:




Other info

Enable trigger for closed ticket

NlxId: REQ0002769

Normally scheduled triggers are executed only for open tickets. If you need scheduled triggers to execute also for closed there is a setting in database to specify time period (time from current time) for tickets to be executed.

Note: Enabling scheduled triggers for closed tickets for long time period could cause bad system performance. System have to regularly scan large amounts of tickets.

If all closed ticket should be affected to set some value in some field, than it would be better to run a script on Db level first and then activate the scheduled trigger on DB and define the trigger in NSP.

If you need this function, contact NSP Support (


Workaround for repeating reminder function

NlxId: REQ0002763

Scheduled triggers will be executed only once for each ticket, with delay cycle about 15 minutes. There is no possibility to run the scheduled trigger again, if e g reminder date is changed on a ticket.

There is now a workaround implemented that make it possible to create repeating reminder notifications on tickets.

In later version new UI functionality will be implemented, but until then workaround can only be activated on database level by query in table app.GlobalSettings. A special Maintenancehost job will take settings and execute.

It is also recommended to inactivate existing scheduled reminder trigger in NSP configuration when the workaround is implemented.

If you need this function, contact NSP Support ( for more info.


Google Maps API Key

To use the Google Maps JavaScript API, you must register your app project on the Google API Console and get a Google API key which you can add to your app.

Follow these steps to get an API key:

1.  Go to the Google Developer Console .
( )

2.  Login with google account.

3.  Create or select a project from dropdown list.

4.  Click Continue to enable the API.

5.  On the Credentials page, get an API key.


OPTIONAL: From the dialog displaying the API key, select Restrict key to set a browser restriction on the API key.

After you have retrieved your API key, you’ll need to add it to the NSP database by executing the following SQL-script:

exec app.spSetGlobalSetting 'GoogleMapsApiKey', '[Your_Google_API_Key]'