News in NSP (2/21/2018)


Scheduled Trigger conditions

Nlxid: 3164

For Scheduled Triggers a new condition is added: TimePassedGreaterThanExcludeWeekend.

This condition will track time only in days from Monday-Friday and exclude weekends.

Example: Friday 22:00 + 5 hours will be 03:00 on Monday (not on Saturday).


New field type in Entity editor, Clickable field

Nlxid: 3185

New field type, Clickable field. Related with possibility to create a URL/URI to execute from entity. In Entity editor you can define Text field as clickable, enable checkbox Transform text field to clickable URL link :

If this is enabled you can set clickable field should be visible only for existing object.

For clickable field you can enter pattern. In pattern you can enter some dynamic variables:

   {{RowId}} – Database id of entity

   {{CurrentLanguageId}} – Database id for default language for account of logged in user.

   {{CurrentTimeStamp}} format yyyyMMddHHmmssffff – Time whenever an Entity is open or created. To this counts when the form is open on creation of new Entity.

   {{LoggedUserId}} – Database id for account of logged in user.

   {{LoggedUserEmail}} – The email-address for account of logged in user.

   {{LoggedUserWindowsUserName}} – Window user name (AD) for account of logged in user, with the syntax: “Domain”/”UserName”.

   {{LoggedUserOrganizationId}} - Database id for Organization that the logged in user belongs to.

And all fields from entity, both system defined and user defined. For example {{u_Test}}  /  {{EndUserId}} 

Each parameter have syntax {{FIELD}}.

For example:{{RowId}}/{{u_Test}}?{{LoggedUserId}}

Clickable field in entity will be shown like this:


Default assignee for work logs

Nlxid: 3089, 3167, 3170

New setting in Agent Portal Configuration -> Work Log Settings:

Default Work Log entry Agent: Specify for work log form which agent shall be pre-defined in form when a new work log is created. Select one of radio buttons Use logged in user or Use ticket assignee.

Changed function in Work Log form:

If Use ticket assignee is selected the work log Agent list is filtered to show only agents belonging to same Group as the Assignee. If Use logged in user is selected it is possible to select all agents in system as work log Agent.

A browse button  is added in the form, used to select work log Agent from a popup list.



Agent interface

Ticket form Assignee - Search and autocomplete for email

Nlxid: 3168

Improvements for input in Assignee field. Now system search also in Agent Email address in auto-complete input (in earlier version only Agent Name).



Skype and Lync icons

Nlxid: 3226

New icons in User Profile, Skype and Lync fields. By the side of fields new icons are displayed. You can click the icons to make a call or start a chat session.



Service Catalog

Dynamic approver of service order

Nlxid: 3174

It is possible to specify dynamic approver when defining a service item. If this function is enabled system will get user´s manager as approver of a service order. Manager is a property on user entity that can be imported from AD.

When you configure a service item, on tab Approver you should specify a default approver (same as before), but if checkbox Use Manager as approver is enabled the default approver is used only if no user´s manager is defined.

To enable the dynamic approver function a setting in database has to be activated:

declare @value int


select top 1 @value = c.Id from SYS_DEF_COLUMN c where c.TableId = 111 and c.PropertyName = 'u_Supervisor'

exec app.spSetGlobalSetting 'EnableDynamicScItemApprover', @value


In this command you should replace 'u_Supervisor' with property name of Manager field in your system.



Other info

Dashboard performance improvement

Nlxid: 2982

Skip refresh when left panel My latest updated tickets is not displayed.

If user in User Profile Settings disable to show the left panel, then system also skip refresh calculations in background. Can be used for performance improvement for big databases.


Shortcuts removed

Some shortcuts are removed, due to conflict with Kendo rich text editor commands.

ctrl+s, ctrl+u, ctrl+k, ctrl+i, ctrl+l, ctrl+g, ctrl+left, ctrl+right removed.