News in NSP (7/3/2018)


Assignee Name configuration

Nlxid: REQ0003564, REQ0003999

In Global Configurations -> Name Configuration you can configure also the name format of assignee in ticket form:

In Name Configuration setting for Assignee Name Format you can use tags First Name, Last Name, Email and Windows User Name and add text (e g spaces and parenthesis) to configure a text format for Assignee Name.

Example: To get the assignee name format as in image above, use this format:.



Form editor - Line breaks

Nlxid: REQ0003822

New field property Insert line break (SSP form).

If this checkbox is enabled for a field in form there will be a line break after the field and next field will be displayed on next row.

Note that this property only affect forms on Self Service Portal (End User forms). For Agent forms this functionality is controlled by the Side by side property.


Script for activating phone icon on Person form text fields

Nlxid: REQ0003970

The predefined phone fields has icons that, on click, redirects user to prechosen phone program.

It is also possible to create own Text fields on Person Enitity which show up on user profile with call  icon enabled:

1.  Add property on Person Entity

2.  Add the corresponding field in person form,

3.  Run database script to enable the icons:
exec app.spSetGlobalSetting 'EnableMultipleCtiFields', 'Property1,Property2,…'
where 'Property1,Property2,…' are the database name of the properties of the fields that shall are to show icons.

The following set-up is activated by the script
exec app.spSetGlobalSetting 'EnableMultipleCtiFields', 'u_ExtraPhone'




New Contract Property, Requested from Organization

Nlxid: REQ0004006

New property field has been added to Contracts, Requested from Organization. Field is added as a standard field on top level Contract Type. Field is a dropdown, auto-complete field (existing organizations are selectable).



AD Synchronization

LDAP Attribute mapping of email address

Nlxid: REQ0003796

In LDAP Attribute mapping it is now possible to map database attribute Email Address to selectable AD Attribute. This means that you can get user´s Email Address from any AD Attribute (in earlier version Email Address was default get from general AD attribute Email).

Note that if you select to read the email address from other AD attribute than default, email address for all mapped users is get from the new attribute. AD must be prepared with email address in the new attribute for all users.




CI - Contract association details

New function where you can add additional information for each CI-Contract association. The information consists of two fields, Number of items (can be used to specify no of CIs covered by the contract or license, etc), and a text field, Notes, a free additional description. The same information can be displayed and edited both in CI form (Contracts tab) and Contract form (Covered CI tab).


CMDB - Hidden fields

Nlxid: REQ0003066

If field is defined as hidden in CI Type, property will be hidden (not available) also during csv import, step Mapping.


Added support for opening user profile with direct link

Nlxid: REQ0004003

Enabled to use direct url to open NSP User Profile in Agent Portal. Link can e g be inserted in email notifications or created from extern application.

For example:

In a Text Template you can use e g tag for Requester email and add link in notification message:{v:record.BaseEndUser.Email}



Other info

Google Maps API

To use the Google Maps JavaScript API you need a Google account. You must have a Google account with billing enabled to generate a key for Google Maps API. You can use as much or as little as you need and only pay for what you use each month. When you enable billing, you get $200 free usage every month. Most users can continue to use Google Maps Platform for free with this credit.

To avoid a service interruption to your projects, please register your project, generate an API key, and enable a billing account. Once you generate and secure an API key, make sure to update your NSP database with the new API key.

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