OAuth Connection settings for BOT integration

Open Bot Channel Registration page and choose Settings, scroll down to find OAuth Connection Settings and click Add Settings:

Bot Channel Registration – add new OAuth Connection Settings

In the open form you need to fill in the following fields:

  Name - Insert OAuth connection name

  Service provider – From dropdown choose Generic Oauth 2

  Client ID – insert “nsp-msteams-bot

  Client secret – will be detailed explained bellow *

  Authorization URL – insert “<auth-server-url>/connect/authorize

  Token URL – insert “<auth-server-url>/connect/token

  Refresh URL – insert “<auth-server-url>/connect/token

  Token Exchange URL - leave this field empty

  Scopes – insert: “openid profile roles nspWebApi offline_access


NOTE: You will use this OAuth connection name later in Microsoft Teams application for settings NSP integration (field: Azure OAuth Connection Name)

*Client secret:

To find client secret, go to NSP App. Log in with your admin account.

Click on the configurations gear  search for Global Function Settings.

In this settings find Microsoft Teams integrations section

Select ENABLE checkbox to enable Microsoft Teams integration and click on SAVE.

NSP - Global Function Settings – Enable Microsoft Teams integration

After Enabling Microsoft Teams integration two new properties will be displayed in Microsoft Teams integration section:

  OAuth2 authentication secret - this is the Client secret you need!

  WebChat widget JavaScript code