The list also facilitates a paging functionality to browse the items page by page. Paging option is available at the bottom of the list.
NSP has three different user interface for paging function. All interfaces has button to browse to First page, Previous page, Next page and Last page. Total number of rows and which rows are displayed at the moment is shown on the row.
In the first interface there is in addition to the buttons, a possibility to insert Page number. In this layout there is no possibility to select the number of rows to display per page. The number of rows can be systematically predefined or taken from the configuration such as for ticket list view.
In part of lists in NSP you can select to view all the
rows in a single view, there is then a Show all
button () above the list. When you click
Show all button, all the items will be displayed
in a single page. When viewing all items if you want to go back to the paging
view then click the Show few button which is the
same button as Show all.
In this interface you can select the number of rows to display per page (5, 10, 15, 20, 50, 100, 150, 200). Default page size is 20.
In this interface you can select the number of rows to display per page (5, 10, 15, 20, 50, 100, 150, 200). Default page size is 20.