Adding new Billboard Announcement

For adding new announcement just click on Add announcement button above the table. Adding new announcement is done in two steps.

First step – Announcement Info

Announcement Info

1.  Category: Choose announcement category from dropdown.

2.  Valid From: Choose date and time from which an announcement is valid.

3.  Valid To: Choose date and time to which announcement is valid.

4.  Important: Select checkbox if announcement is important. If announcement is marked as important a symbol,, is displayed in front of the title when announcement is shown on Self Service Portal.

5.  Attachments: Button Upload file opens file explorer where you can select file to attach. Alternately you can drag file from file explorer and drop it in the box. Attached files are shown in a list below the box. For each file there is a button to remove it from the Announcement.

6.  Featured: If this option is selected,  following announcement will be displayed inside the widget on SSP.

Use Next button or click on Announcement Content tab to proceed the next step.


Second step – Announcement Content

Announcement Content

1.  Title: Insert the announcement title.

2.  Body: This box is used to define an announcement content.

3.  Add language definition: Select the language from the list to create announcement for the specific language. You can select different languages and then define announcement title and content for the selected language in respective textbox. Repeat the procedure for next language needed, and so on.  Announcement content for the NSP Standard Language is mandatory and must be entered.  

Note: When end user reads the announcement on Self Service Portal content is primarily shown in user´s selected language. If announcement content is not defined for this language the it is shown in NSP Standard Language.

Use Save button to save created announcement, use Back button or click on Announcement Info tab to go to first step or use Cancel button to close the form and cancel announcement creation.

Based on Valid From and Valid to dates Announcement can take following implicit Status:

   Pending publish: Current date is before the Valid From date

   Published: Current date is between Valid From and Valid To dates

   Archived: Current date is after the Valid To date