Indexed Search Settings

After installing Java, setting up a Database and Search server (see installation manual) it is possible to use an Indexed search with different settings. This search process is powered by Elastic search. The “old” search, Knowledgebase and AP left panel search icon, uses Apache Lucene platform.

In Agent Portal> Configuration> Settings> Indexed search settings the administrator decide in what entity properties the search should be done. After that, the first indexation must be done. For each entity where you have marked columns, choose the drop-down menu Reindex entity.

Indexed Search Settings

You reach the Index search via the search icon in the top panel.


Search index algorithm

Default full text search data algorithm is LIFO. Before default was FIFO.

   LIFO (stack) – last in first out, latest added/updated item will be indexed first.

   FIFO (queue) – first in first out.

Search data algorithm can be set in database:

exec app.spSetGlobalSetting 'EnableFullTextSearchLIFO','true'

   true – activate LIFO

   false – deactivate LIFO, activate FIFO