Global function settings

The global function settings provides a variety of settings used to customize system behavior, configure features and enable or disable system features.

Configurations > Settings > Configuration > Function settings.

Consists of options grouped by entity:



   Hide category search on SSP – If enabled, the category search field on the SSP within the service catalog will be hidden, but the search on the main service catalog per category will still be possible. 


   Enabled – If marked, chat feature will be available on the Agent portal and Self-service portal. 

   Position chat left – The chat bubble icon is placed bottom right by default. If this option is checked, it will be moved to the lower left corner of the screen.


   Enable facility properties – If checked, it will allow for the adding and configuration of facility properties: Management, Building, Floor, and Room for CIs

   No confirmation when deleting attachment – CI attachment will be immediately deleted when user select delete, without confirmation question in popup.   

   No confirmation when deleting - CI will be immediately deleted when user select delete, without confirmation question in popup.  

   No confirmation when changing status - status will be immediately changed when user change CI status, no confirmation question will appear.

   Lock CIs, Products and Leasings - Lock for database updates. All functionality for Add, Edit, Delete and import CI, Products and Leasings is not available.



   No confirmation when deleting attachment – Contract attachment will be immediately deleted when user select delete, without confirmation question in popup.   

   No confirmation when deleting - Contract will be immediately deleted when user select delete, without confirmation question in popup.

   Approve not needed - if this option is enabled contracts don´t need to be approved. Contract could immediately be switched from Draft to Approved/Active status.

   No confirmation when changing status - status will be immediately changed when user change Contract status, no confirmation question will appear. 

   Show contract CI price on grid – Selecting this option will show a CI associated price in a grid view.  


Knowledge base

   No confirmation when deleting attachment – Article attachment will be immediately deleted when user select delete, without confirmation question in popup.

   No confirmation when deleting comment attachment – Article comment attachment will be immediately deleted when user select delete, without confirmation question in popup.   

   No confirmation when deleting comment – Article comment will be immediately deleted when user select delete, without confirmation question in popup.   

   No confirmation when deleting - Article will be immediately deleted when user select delete, without confirmation question in popup.

   Disable versioning

   Enable copying of references when duplicate article – If enabled, all article references except comments (custom properties, related articles, related CIs, related tickets and attachments) will be copied when you duplicate an article. If not enabled only default article properties are copied.

   Hide category search on SSP – If enabled, the category search field on the SSP within the service catalog will be hidden, but the search on the main service catalog per category will still be possible. 

   Approve not needed - If this option is enabled articles don´t need to be approved. Article could immediately be switched from Draft to Publish status.

   No confirmation when changing status - status will be immediately changed when user change Article status, no confirmation question will appear. 

   Enable copying of references on major version change - If enabled, all article references except comments (custom properties, related articles, related CIs, related tickets and attachments) will be copied when you save major version change of an article. If not enabled only default article properties are copied.

   Send only description – if this option is active, when sending articles to email, only the description of the article will be sent without other information from the selected kb article.

   Set status to pending approval on article edit - If this option is enabled, the state of article changes to Pending Approval when the article is edited. However, this setting will be ignored if “Approve not needed” option is active. 


Service items

   No confirmation when deleting – Service item will be immediately deleted when user select delete, without confirmation question in popup.

   Disable create ticket on order – with this setting order ticket will not be created automatically, but you will be able to create ticket manually from order view

   Enable approver flow limit -   If this option is enabled approval flow limit is active and can be used if a purchased service item has a manual approval flow that contains Requester reference.

   Enable approver selection (disabled when Integration Settings Financial is enabled)  - If this option is enabled on the ordering popup information on the service portal, a field will appear where you can select the user who will be the approver. The list of users who can be selected as approvers must have the right- allow approver on order within Roles and permissions. This field is mandatory. This field will only be displayed if a purchased service item has a manual approval flow which contains service order approver reference.

   Enable depended item parent approver – This function reflects only for order items with dependent services. If this option is enabled dependent items always take approval flow from the parent. You need to configure the email templates in approval flow in order to use this function and approve all service item parent and child at once.

NOTE: This setting is not allowed if setting Enable single email for dependent items is enabled.

   Enable single email for dependent items - This function reflects only for order items with dependent services. You need to configure the email templates in approval flow in order to use this function. If this option is enabled, when you order depended items those items will have the same approval flow (same approver) as parent, then approver receives only one email and Approve/Reject button that will approve/reject all items at once. NOTE: This setting is not allowed if setting Enable depended item parent approver is enabled.

   Enable master ticket – This option enables Master tickets for each order and links other Service Item tickets in that order. NOTE: This setting is not allowed if setting Disable create ticket on order is enabled.

   Enable service catalog Default customer account - If this option is  enabled, settings for default customer account on SSP will be available in SSP quick settings and in Agent portal User profile (tab Customer account). Selected SSP default customer account will be predefined in orders.

   Enable single email approver - If this option is approved, when you order multiple items and those items have the same approval flow (same approver), then approver receives only one email and Approve/Reject button that will approve/reject all items at once.

You need to configure the email templates in approval flow in order to use this function. If function is enabled three new button placeholders are available in approval flow templates (List Order Items with same flow, Approve Service Items with same flow, Reject Service Items with same flow)

   Enable verify account by email – If this option is enabled, logged user will be able to verify account by email. Security code will be sent to logged user email address.

   Enable verify account by Password - If this option is enabled, logged user will be able to verify account by Password.  User need to enter account password to verify account.

   Enable verify account by SMS - If this option is enabled, logged user will be able to verify account by SMS. Security code will be sent to logged user phone number by SMS.

   Hide category search on SSP - If this option is enabled, the category search field on the SSP within the service catalog will be hidden, but the search on the main service catalog per category will still be possible.

   Hide customer account selection on SSP, make orders without account: With this setting enabled users can order from Service Catalog without being member of a Customer Account. Order can be done, order item and ticket is created, but the order is not invoiced.

   Hide order confirmation message - If this option is enabled, Order confirmation message will be hidden form order confirmation window. 

   Hide order summary – If this option is enabled, Order summary will be hidden form order confirmation window.

   Enable master on behalf of - If this option is enabled, it will be possible to select On behalf of the user on the order confirmation popup. The selection field will be displayed if you have at least one item in the basket for which on behalf of is enabled. Also, on the item itself, the on behalf of option will be hidden.

   Enable remember order information for future orders - If this option is enabled, the system will remember the data from the order confirmation form, so that the same data will be available and can be used directly for the next order. NSP allows advanced settings of remember order information which is explained in detail in Advanced settings of remember order information.

   Use Requester Organization in groups on order - If this option is enabled, only users from group that belong to the same organization as the requester belongs, gets the request. Three scenarios are possible:


1.  Requester has organization id x

   Approval Flow has Group assigned for approvals.

   Group has 3 Users:

          User 1:  has organization id x

          User 2:  has organization id y

          User 3:  has no organization assigned

Result: Request is sent for approval only to User 1. Approval Status listing User 1

2.  Requester has organization id x

   Approval Flow has Group assigned for approvals.

   Group has 3 Users:

          User 1:  has organization id a

          User 2:  has organization id b

          User 3:  has no organization assigned

       Result:  No one gets the approval request.

3.  Requester has no organization

   Approval Flow has Group assigned for approvals.

   Group has 3 Users:

          User 1:  has organization id a

          User 2:  has organization id b

          User 3:  has no organization assigned

       Result:  Everyone gets the approval request.



Notes: Users can have multiple organization.



   No confirmation when deleting attachment – Ticket attachment (attachment to ticket description) will be immediately deleted when user select delete, without confirmation question in popup.

   No confirmation when deleting comment attachment – Ticket comment attachment will be immediately deleted when user select delete, without confirmation question in popup.   

   No confirmation when deleting comment – Ticket comment will be immediately deleted when user select delete, without confirmation question in popup.

   Hide internal comments if logged in Agent is ticket Requester – If agent opens ticket in NSP Agent Portal where he is Requester himself only public comment are shown (same logic as if ticket is opened on SSP). Exception is if Requester is member of the group the ticket is assigned to, then there is no limitation, agent can then see all comment flow, including internal comments. The exception is then valid also if Requester and Assignee is same user. If this setting is not enabled will all comments always be shown when ticket is opened on NSP Agent Portal. Note that if agent has superadmin permissions has setting no effect, superadmin user has always permission to all functionality and data.

   No confirmation when changing status - Status will be immediately changed when user change ticket status, no confirmation question will appear.

   Show ticket summary columns - selecting this option in the assign popup on the ticket form will display a column with ticket statistics, the number of opened and closed tickets per agent.

   Show user status columns - by selecting this option in the assign popup on the ticket form, a column with the current status of the agent will be displayed.

   Priority text instead of color (SSP) – by activating this option on the ticket list in the self-service portal, text will be displayed instead of the priority graphic icon.

   Show category ticket list - If this option is turned on, when creating or editing a ticket, all tickets belonging to the previously selected category will be displayed in a popup form. Otherwise, only the list of categories will be displayed in this method, but not the corresponding tickets.

   Use tree view in assignee browse – if this option is activated, a simpler version of the popup as tree structure will be displayed in the agent portal on the interface for the assignee picker.