Entity Logging

In this log system creates log posts when any action (Open/Add/Edit/Delete) is done in system. Logs are created for changes in e g Tickets, Persons, Organizations, KB Articles, Service items, etc.

A log post consists of:

  Date and Time when change was done.

  User who did the change.

  Action (Open, Add, Update or Delete).

  Entity (e g Request, Incident, Task, Person, Knowledge Base, Service Catalog, etc).

  Entity ID, which entity has been changed, e g REQ0000447.

  Which browser was used.

  From which ip address was the change done.

The log can be filtered, above the log list there are filter settings for user, action and time interval.

For each log there is an Archive link rightmost on row. This link moves the log post to the archive database. To archive several logs at the same time, use the checkboxes leftmost on each row. If at least one log is checked there is an Archive link above the list to archive all checked logs. See also System log Settings for automatically archive settings.

In form there are functions for sort, filter, search, refresh and paging similar to other NSP functions, see General User Interface.