SMS Accounts

To access the SMS Accounts page, go to Configurations > Channels and Integrations SMS Accounts.

Following figure shows the SMS Accounts page:

SMS Accounts page

SMS Accounts page mainly contains the list of configured SMS accounts. Functions for search, sort, filtering are similar to other lists in NSP, see section General User Interface.

The list has the columns:  NameDescription, Provider, IsActive and Default .

  Name:  The name of SMS account

  Description:  The description of SMS account

  Provider: The provider of SMS account

  Is Active: The column contains if SMS account is active

  Default: The column contains if SMS account is default

Rightmost each row is action dropdown with following actions:

  Edit: This action is used to edit configured SMS account and its different settings. Clicking Edit button opens the respective Edit SMS form based on which service provider is configured for the SMS account.

  Set as default – This action set a SMS account as default. Note that only one from the configured SMS accounts can be defined as default.

  Activate/Deactivate – This action activate/deactivate SMS account.

  Delete: This action is used to delete the SMS account.

  Test SMS - This action is used to test whether the SMS account is configured correctly or not. Clicking this button will open a popup where you need to specify recipient phone number to which the test SMS should be sent from the configured SMS account.


Above the list is Add SMS account button.