Add/Edit Task

Tasks can be added in NSP in several ways:

  From dashboard using form in Task menu through Add + button

  Add Task button in Task List called from dashboard My tasks

  Add Task button in Ticket Details page, Task List tab

  Task Templates (button in Ticket Details page, Task List tab)

When displaying the Task List tab for a ticket you can add a new task using the Add Task button. A task form is opened inline in the grid enabling you to add task details. This form is the same as used to edit task details.

You can create task using Add + button in dashboard page. Similar to ticket types, task can contain various fields due to system settings.

Some common task fields are described here:

  Parent: Ticket which is owner of the task. This field is displayed only if task is created from dashboard page or from the Task List. If task is created from Ticket detail page the Parent connection is already set. Select the Parent ticket for the task. Click the search icon to get a popup form listing tickets assigned to you or your groups. Select ticket from the list by mark a radio button to the left in list.



  Assignee: Agent the task should be assigned to. Start input characters in the input field to get a dropdown list of proposed assignees due to the input. Select assignee in the list. Clicking the Search icon will display a list of assignees. Select by clicking the name.

  Stage. Normally New.

  Approver: Approver of the task. Has the privilege to Approve or Reject the task. The field has search feature in the same way as Assignee. If you don´t select any Approver (None) or select the same Agent as selected Assignee, the function to approve/reject tasks not has to be used. In this case the task will be automatically approved and closed when Assignee complete the task. To get this functionality a system setting is required, setting Complete stage to close the task.

  Due Date: Task needs to be completed before this date.

  Task is mandatory for close of ticket: You can enable this field to mark the task as mandatory for completing parent ticket. Parent ticket cannot be closed until the task is completed.


After you entered or edited the fields, click Save. If task is created from dashboard or Task List save with button Submit as. Select Stage (normally New or In Progress) to create the task.