CI Expenses tab

A list of expenses defined for the CI. CI Expense is a monetary cost for the CI besides purchasing price. Any type of additional service, maintenance or repair can be categorized as expense.

You can add new expanse by clicking the Add Expense button. In the form you input Expense Type (required field) from a dropdown list containing all available Expense Types, Date (required field), Amount (required field), Currency (required field), and Description of expense.

To edit or revoke entered expense, choose Edit or Revoke button in action dropdown rightmost on row in the list. When you revoke expense you must fill in the canceling form, with reason for revoking the expense. After revoking expense it will remain in the list for history and follow-up reasons, it get status Revoked and new option Reason for revoking will appear in action dropdown. When clicking this button a popup will appear showing the revoking reason. A revoked expense could not be reactivated.

Above the list on the tab, you find a dropdown that lets you filter the list to show just Active (non-revoked) or All (Active and Revoked) CI expenses.

Search, sort, filter, paging and export features are available similar to other lists in NSP, see General User Interface.