Article History tab

This tab is divided in two sections: Change Log and Notifications


This tab has two main areas. The top part of the tab displays tracking of Article status changes. Information includes Status, Changed date and which User changed status.

Below this status tracking is a Change Log which contains information about every change of each item property. You can find information about changing date, user who changed value, property which is changed, old and new property value.

Change Log contains three main filters:

   Activity by date: Shows list of dates when changes were made.  By clicking a date you can see which user made changes and which properties were changed (old and new property value) that date.

   Activity by user: Shows list of users which have made changes. By clicking a user you can see which properties were changed (old and new property value) by selected user and date of the changes.

   Activity by property: Shows list of properties. By clicking a property you can see which user made changes and when the changes was done. For each change old and new property value is displayed.

Activity Log also contains Date Range filter. Use this filter to choose a time period and display all changes made in selected range.

Search and paging features are similar to other lists in NSP, see General User Interface.


This tab shows notification history related to this Article. Notification history shows all notification emails and SMS that have been sent by the Article. For each notification recipients, message text, sent date and delivery status are displayed.

Notification history also contains Date Range filter. Use this filter to choose a time period and display all notifications sent in selected range.

Search and paging features are similar to other lists in NSP, see General User Interface|topic=General User Interface.