
Select Charging  in agent left menu. Click Worklogs in top menu to show a list of created worklogs.

Worklogs is the way to register and charge Agent work time in NSP. In a worklog you store all information about the work, e g hourly rate, duration time, additional charges and discounts.

When form is opened all worklogs are included in list, sorted in time order when they were created, newest first. Above list there are various filter possibilities to select which worklogs shall be shown:

   Customer Account filter: Select all or one single account.

   Agent filter: Select all or one single agent.

   Worklog Type filter: Select all or one single type.

   Ticket Type filter: Select all or one single type.

   Date filter: Filter worklogs created Last week, Last Month, Last Year or select a date range.

Worklogs in the list can be viewed in a popup. Select View link rightmost on row. A popup with two tabs is opened. First tab shows worklog details, second tab shows all additional cost connected to the worklog. Second tab is shown only if additional costs are enabled in the Charging Plan in use for the Customer Account.

In form there are functions for sort, filter, search, refresh and paging similar to other NSP functions, see General User Interface.