View mode - Linked Tickets

This tab lists tickets linked to current ticket, and has functions both to create new links and unlink current links.

Linked Tickets tab contains a list of tickets linked to current ticket. Each item in this list includes Id, Priority, Subject, Status, Requester and rightmost View remark and Unlink links.

In the list you can view details and edit a ticket by click the ticket row. The tickets detailed view will then be opened in a new tab.

Unlink button is used to remove the link between the tickets.

The list provides options to search, sort, filter, refresh and paging similar as other lists in NSP, see General User Interface.

Above the list you find the Link Tickets button. In popup you can search and select ticket to link. Enable checkbox to the left for the selected ticket and Save. A new popup is shown, here you shall enter a remark comment to the linking. This text is shown when you click View remark in the list, see above. In popup there is a checkbox, Add to comment stream. If you enable it the text you have entered will be added as internal comment in both tickets.

Each time you select Link Tickets button you can link only one ticket.