
A Customer is a buying organization. For each Customer you can define one or more Customer Accounts. The accounts NSP uses to charge for work, leasing or for service orders.

Select Charging  in agent left menu. Click Customers in top menu to show a list of existing customers. You can filter the list, in left panel a hierarchy of the Customer Types is displayed. Here you can select a type to list only customers of this type and its subtypes.

Above list there is a filter for All/Active/Inactive accounts. Rightmost on row there are a menu where you can select Edit, Activate/Deactivate and Delete.

In upper right corner of the page there are icons to reach Information (help page), Refresh,  Edit and Delete.

Click customer row to view content. In left panel the basic customer info (Reference No, Type, Created Date and Created by) is shown, Right part of form is divided in two tabs:

   Properties shows Description and all Customer Type unique properties.

   Customer Accounts contains the list of the accounts connected to the Customer. You can Activate/Deactivate accounts in the form and you can select an account as Default. The default account is pre-selected in SSP when user that belongs to multiple accounts make a service order.

In form there are functions for sort, filter, search, refresh and paging similar to other NSP functions, see General User Interface.