Calendar event type - Details tab

Details tab contain three sections: Properties, Attachments and Linked tickets.

New event- Details - Properties

New event form - Details - Properties

1.  Event type: Choose desired event type from dropdown list. Field is mandatory and initially has value of default event type which is set in calendar settings.

2.  Name: Enter event name. Field is mandatory.

3.  Start: Choose event start date and time. Field is mandatory.

4.  End: Choose event end date and time. Field is mandatory.

5.  All day event: If you create event which will lasts all day select this checkbox.

6.  Description: Enter event description.

New event- Details - Attachments

Button Upload file opens file explorer where you can select file to attach. Alternately you can drag file from file explorer and drop it in the box. Attached files are shown in a list below the box. For each file there is a button to remove it from an event.

New event- Details – Linked tickets

You can link ticket by clicking the Link ticket button. In opened form tickets can be searched by reference number (ID) and name. Selecting checkboxes choose all tickets you want to link. After that click Link button, and preferred Tickets will appear in list.

To remove preferred ticket from list, choose Unlink button in table cell, or if you want to remove more tickets at once, tab offers that possibility. Selecting checkboxes choose tickets you want to remove and click the button Unlink, just above the table, to remove linked tickets.