Comment options

Below the comment textbox the comment flow is displayed. This part is divided in two sections, Pinned Comments and All comments. Pinned comments are comments that are marked as important by agent. The pinned comments are always shown at the top of the comment flow. If there are no pinned comments only the All Comments section is displayed. More information on how to pin comments is found here.

Above the comment flow there is a panel containing options available for Comments:

Comment options




Two buttons to define whether comment should be Public or Internal. Internal comments are handled as internal notes between Agents and are not visible for End Users. Internal comments are displayed in yellow background color.

The button for current selected alternative is displayed in darker color. In the example to the right Internal is selected. Chosen alternative is displayed in text to the right of Mail button. One of these alternative texts is displayed: “Your comment will be sent as a public reply” or “Your comment will be sent as an internal note”.

If you change an already saved comment from Internal to Public it content will be sent as a notification, normally to the End user.

Default option is defined in User Profile Settings.

Following comment logic could be enabled by system administrator: If ticket Requester is an Agent NSP user and user opens ticket in NSP Agent Portal where he is Requester himself only public comment are shown (same logic as if ticket is opened on SSP). Exception is if Requester is member of the group the ticket is assigned to, then there is no limitation, agent can then see all comment flow, including internal comments. The exception is then valid also if Requester and Assignee is same user. If the system setting is not enabled will always all comments be shown to agents.

Two buttons to define whether comment should be marked as solution or marked as workaround. Buttons have toggle function, only one of them be selected.

The button for current selected alternative is displayed in darker color. Chosen alternative is displayed in text to the right of Mail button. If any of button is selected, one of these alternative texts is displayed: “Your comment will be marked as solution.” or “Your comment will be marked as workaround.”.

Add comment on linked tickets – if this option is enabled, following comment will be visible on main ticket and linked tickets as well.


Save the comment.


Send Email comment (Direct Mail). A popup form is opened where you fill message data.

Select the recipient(s) for email from the list. You can also enter email addresses if they are not available in the list. If the setting Requester pre-selected recipient in direct mail is selected in Agent Portal Configuration is the Requester of the ticket pre-selected as recipient of the email (but it could be edited).

CC: Select the recipient (s) of a copy of the email from the list, or enter the email addresses. Note that field already contains the email addresses of users who is defined as CC in the ticket.

Ticket Id and Subject is predefined as the email Subject. However, you can change the subject.

The textbox to enter the email text is similar to the textbox of comment. You can use formatting tools, tags and Comment Template in the same way.

Include ticket attachments: If this checkbox is enabled, all files that are attached to the ticket description will be attachment to the direct email message.

Add as public comment: Select this option to submit the message as a Public reply in the ticket. If not selected comment will be submitted as Internal.

You can attach files by clicking the attachment icon (Attachment). Attached files will be sent as attachments in email and will also be attached with the comment submitted in the ticket form.

After filling all information, click Send button to submit a comment and send the email.

In comment stream the header will contain email source icon, sender and all recipients of the email:


Files could be attached to the comment. Clicking the link Attach file opens a file explorer allowing you to select one or more files, e g images, to add as a reference. Alternative you can use drag-and drop and drop the files in the box Drag and drop files here.


Above the All Comments section there is a panel containing other information available for the comments in the list (Note: This part is valid only for comments in All Comments list, not Pinned Comments):

Comment options






Links to Expand/Collapse the comments.

Search in comments. When you enter search text and click the search icon (or hit Enter) the All Comments list is filtered to show only comments containing the search text. Remove the text from search box to return to show all comments.


Four toggle buttons are provided beside search box: Show Attachment Comments Only, Show Mail Comments Only, Show solution comments only and Show workaround comments only.

Only buttons having associated comments are displayed. For example, Show solution comments only button is displayed only if at least one comment is marked as a solution.

Show Mail Comments Only shows comments sent to the ticket via email (not direct mail comments sent from the ticket).

Each toggle button also has associated badge displaying the respective comments count.

When you click one of those buttons the comment list will be filtered and only comments matching respective button are displayed. Selected button´s color is changed. Click the Comment button (see below) to inactivate the selected filter and show all comments again.

Three buttons, Comments , Notification history, and History are provided to switch between those three lists.

Comments shows all comments connected to the ticket. Below this table there is a description of all details in a comment item.

Notification history shows all notification emails that have been sent by the ticket. For each notification recipients and message text is displayed. Notification history exists only for tickets, not for tasks.

History list includes logging of all types of ticket updates. There is a description of all details in a history item below.

All buttons have associated badge which displays the count of comments, emails and ticket updates respectively.