Contains service items

This list shows service items which are included to this service item, and offers the possibility to add included service item or remove the association. These included service items will be listed in SSP service item view and will not be charged. NOTE: Contained service items cannot be added as related service items.

You can include new service item by clicking the Add included service items button.

Service items can be searched and/or be filtered by Status and Category. Select checkboxes to choose all service items you want to included. Click Save button, and preferred items will appear in list.

To remove preferred service items from included list, click Remove button in table cell.

To open preferred service item in new tab, click Open button in the table cell.

To define quantity of preferred service item, click Set quantity button in the table cell. In open window insert quantity and click on Save button. Default and minimal value is 1.

Search, sort, filter, paging and export features are available similar to other lists in NSP, see General User Interface.