Contract Form

Click a contract in the list to see its details page. Contract Form represents a detailed view of a contract and contains Description and all default and custom properties.

The Contract Form consists of four main areas:

1.  The field shows the Name of the Contract. Click the arrow symbol in front of the Subject to close the form and return to the list.

2.  Displays the Description of the Contract.

3.  This section contains fields for all default and custom created Contract properties. The form is divided in different parts with specific properties and properties inherited from parent Contract Types.

4.  This section shows a list of Contracts general information respective the default properties. Includes: StatusContract value, Termination date, Entity Type, Customer Account, Status, Vendor, Start date, End date, Contract owner, Contract approver, Renewal period value, Renewal Period Time Resolution and Requested from Organisation.

5.  by clicking on the Edit button, the form for editing the selected contract opens. In the form, only the fields marked in the configuration as being visible and editable for the SSP form will be displayed.


Contract Form


For Leasing type contracts, form contains Leased CI section.

Leasing CI section, shows a list of all leased Cis related to contract. The form is divided in three tabs:

Active: On-going leasing.

Planned: Future leasing, Start Date is after current time.

Terminated: Terminated leasing, End Date is before current time.

For a leasing columns Contract Id, Customer, Customer Account, Quantity, Fee, Total Fee, Leasing fee price, Start Date, Expiration Date and Parent CI are shown. The information here is read-only.