Default properties for all Contract types

Following is a list of default properties, valid for all Contract Types and with description of data for each of them.

Contract property



Name of Contract.


Unique id of contract.


Contract description.

Contract Type

Contract type. Generated value from selected type and can’t be edited.

Customer Account

Auto-complete, dropdown reference field. You can choose among defined Custom Accounts.


Dropdown field. You can choose some of Statuses defined in lifecycle for Contract.


Auto-complete, dropdown reference field. You can choose a Vendor defined in NSP.

Start Date

Date type field. You can choose date from dropdown calendar. Date from which contract should be valid.

End Date

Date type field. You can choose date from dropdown calendar. Date when contract shall be expired or date when contract should be renewed.

Contract Owner

Auto-complete, dropdown reference field. You can search for a user in NSP which shall be owner of the contract.

Contract Approver

Auto-complete, dropdown reference field. You can search for a user in NSP which shall approve the contract.

Contract value

Insert Contract value.

Termination date

Date type field. Only available for Active contracts. You can choose date from dropdown calendar. Date when contract should be terminated, no longer be valid.

Auto renew

Checkbox. If this checkbox is enabled the contract is automatically renewed on End Date. The renewal time period is defined by Renewal period value and Renewal period time resolution.

Renewal period value

Number. Defines the Renewal period together with Renewal period time resolution.

Renewal period time resolution

Dropdown. Select one of Minutes, Hours, Days, Month or Years. Defines together with Renewal period value the renewal period.

Requested from Organization

Dropdown reference field. Select one of existing organizations. Used to define organization that request the contract if other organization administrates it, e g an organization handles contract for its parent organization.