Delete account

When you in Agent Portal choose GDPR > Account-Level Actions > Choose user > Delete account, a request is sent that first has to be approved before the action is done. However, the procedure is not started until all the Tickets on the user have been closed. In addition to this, the system takes the time delay into account. Data on the account that is marked as personal is deleted from the database and the user is set as inactive.

Note! After this procedure objects “belonging” to the user, like Tickets, Orders and CIs, will not be included in Reports and Statistics. Tickets, Orders and CIs still remain in database, but with no connection to the user.

When you as End User in the top right corner in SSP choose User profile menu > Personal Data Protection > General > Delete user account > Request an enquiry about this to the system GDPR handler. When he or she has approved your request your system account will be deleted. All personal data on (closed) Tickets that belong to the account will also the personal data deleted.

Note! The deletion of your account is not done until all your open Tickets have been close. Consider that this can take some time if you have many active Tickets.

When this is done you can no longer log on to the account. If you once again want to be active on the system you must create a new user account.