General features

Date Filter

The data displayed in most Reports can be filtered by time using date filters provided as a set of radio buttons at the top of the page. The report is updated directly when selecting a new date filter. If there is no data available for selected date range you get the message “No records are found for this period”.

The filter alternatives are:

  By year: Select year from the picker. X-axis represents months.

  Current year. X-axis represents months. All month are displayed even when it is not end of the year. Future month are displayed with value = 0.

  Current month. X-axis represents dates. All days in month are displayed even when it is not end of month. Future days are displayed with value = 0. (This filter is default selection for most reports).

  Current week. X-axis represents dates for the current week (Sunday-Saturday).

  By date range: When you select this option, two date pickers are displayed just below the filter buttons. Select start and stop date for data in the report. Note that if current date is preset in the stop date picker you have to change stop date to get the report updated.

Print Report

Reports provide an option to print the report. A print button, , opening the printing interface, is provided on the top right corner in each report page.

List functions

In each report all tickets filtered for the date interval and report type are initially displayed in the list below the graph. The list has functions for search, sorting, filtering, paging and export to Excel similar to other lists in NSP. See General User Interface.