Knowledge Base Articles

Article Form is a detailed view of an Article. It contains article content, default properties and article comments. This view is also used for rating an Article.


Article Form

The Article form consists of three main areas:

  Article Form Header: Shows article Title (1),

  Left panel: Shows specific Article properties (2), depending on Article type and comment form (3). All comments can be seen below the form. 

  Right panel: Print button (4), General Article information (5), common for all Article Types.

  Related articles (6): shows name of all related articles


KB Article - Right Panel

Panel of the form contains general information of the Article:

  Article ID which is auto generated, non-editable, unique identifier of the article.

  Article Version: Show version and created date of article

  Article Type: Shows type of an article.

  Language of the article.

  Rating. This functionality contains three parts:

1.  Your rating gives you the possibility to rate a given kb article. A five-star (points) rating system is used. 

2.  Average rating shows the average rating of an article. 

3.  Was this article helpful? is a flag you can set if you find the KB article helpful or not.

  Keywords: Shows all keywords related to the article. 


KB Article – Related articles

Below the panel with general information, there is a list with the names of all articles related to the opened one. Clicking on the name opens a related article. This list will show only those articles which the logged user has permission right to see.

KB Article – Print button 

Print button is placed in the top right corner of the article. Clicking on it will open the print form which will contain the article title, reference number and the properties.  

Article print form 


KB Article Comments

Below the article content is comment form (3). There is a textbox provided to add a comment for an article. The formatting panel includes common text formatting options; Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Unordered list, Ordered list and Insert hyperlink.

Additional options for comments:

Preview is used to preview the comment text. Opens a popup displaying the text entered in comment box.

Search box to search comments. Enter a search keyword and press Enter or click the search icon in the box. The list of comments will be filtered, displaying only comments containing the keyword.

You can add attachment files by clicking Attach file or drop file in box Drag and drop files here.

Expand all/Collapse all - Links to Expand/Collapse the comments.

Each item in the comment list contains various fields. All the fields in the comment item are labeled in the below figure and explained in the list:

1.  Profile picture of the user who posted the comment.

2.  Name of the user who posted the comment.

3.  The arrow icon is used to collapse/expand the comment detail.

4.  The comment details show the actual comment text.

5.  Shows the number of likes made to the comment by other users.

6.  Shows the date and time when the comment was submitted.

7.  In lower right corner are icons for attached files displayed, if any exist.