Lifecycle configuration

Configurations > Entity Management > Entity Lifecycle.

The table shows all Entities Lifecycle default and custom existing in database.

Just above the table is button New Lifecycle and by clicking that you can create new entity lifecycle. The opened form offers possibility of defining lifecycle details, so you have to input Name (required field) and associated entities (CI Types) from dropdown list.

This table will also be used for editing or deleting existing custom lifecycles and edit lifecycle stages.

Note: Edit and Delete options are not available for not changeable default Entity Lifecycles, those cannot be edited or deleted. User can only view default lifecycle stages. Also default CI configurations cannot be deleted.

Rightmost on row there is option View Stages, opens form where stages and connected statuses is shown for not changeable default configurations.

For custom defined and changeable default configuration there is option Edit Stages, where you can define the stages and connected statuses.

Searching, sorting, filtering and paging functions are similar to other lists in NSP, see section General User Interface.