Log tab contains list with the information about each scanned asset in the opened scanning session. List has following columns:  

   Scanned Value: Displays value of the Inventory number read through scanning process

   CI Type: Displays CI Type

   Id: Displays reference number of the Asset in the CMDB

   Name: Name of the asset in the CMDB (also link to the Ci view for the scanned asset).

   Is New: Flag that determines whether the asset is created during the scanning process.

   Scan Time: Displays actual time of the scan

   Scanned By: Name and e-mail of the user that performed the scan

   Remark: Text of the remark entered during the scanning process

This list also contains a dropdown action for each log. Standard actions for each Log are:

   View: Opens the view for the scanning session log entry in the new popup.

   View snapshot: Opens the view containing information about the asset snapshot in the new popup.